Sigil Prep class of 5e

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4/03/2018 9:37 am  #111

Re: A (pizza) slice of life

"Didn't bury it. We gave it to Freddie the Fence to launder."


4/03/2018 9:42 am  #112

Re: A (pizza) slice of life

Rae nods.  Freddie the Fence, "Aye. I be knowin' just that type o' scallywag.". She looks up at the others.  "We should go."

Rae Quetzali 3rd Level Rogue/ 1st Level Bard. Still a Parrot Pirate
     Thread Starter

4/03/2018 9:47 am  #113

Re: A (pizza) slice of life

Frances nodded and said "Right'o Captain, you got a plan here?" he asked. = Frances De'Shalas
[Basic songs played, for audio effect.] Music for freaking out enemy =
Music for just playing =
Music for inspiring allies =

4/03/2018 9:52 am  #114

Re: A (pizza) slice of life

"Aye," Rae says backing off the ledge, "th' plan be leavin' this bonnie gargoyle in peace so 'e can fake bein' asleep again. I be waitin' up here until ye be on th' way t' the main deck."

Last edited by TonyTempest (4/03/2018 9:53 am)

Rae Quetzali 3rd Level Rogue/ 1st Level Bard. Still a Parrot Pirate
     Thread Starter

4/03/2018 11:45 am  #115

Re: A (pizza) slice of life

"Can't wait to hear the Orc's reaction when he finds out what's going on," says Leo as he heads down the stairs, "might wanna make sure we're outta arm's reach though."


4/03/2018 3:34 pm  #116

Re: A (pizza) slice of life

Marty giggled at Leo's line.  He was so so clever, and his timing was great.

"So we've run into these Goblinetti's twice now."  Marty observed once the group reassembled on the street.  "We will most likely have to deal with them at some point.  Maybe even talk to the Gobfather himself." 

Marty:  Female Human Rogue/4

4/03/2018 4:13 pm  #117

Re: A (pizza) slice of life

Whenever the rest of the group starts down the stairs, Rae tips her hat to the gargoyle. "Please don't be hatin' me once I've gone," she says, then folds her wings and dives down toward the street.

When she lands, she says, "We should be lettin' Odo know what happened so he be prepared.  We should be goin... and we should be watchin' the skies..."

Rae Quetzali 3rd Level Rogue/ 1st Level Bard. Still a Parrot Pirate
     Thread Starter

4/03/2018 4:21 pm  #118

Re: A (pizza) slice of life

Frances would follow as he would think. "So, you guys had a scrap with these guys once before huh? Well as they say on the stages, second verse, same as the first." He said, then looked at Marty asking "Which, this is the first for me to even see these guys? Any adivse? Like who's their biggest muscle? Head of the field operations? Stuff like that."

Last edited by WoodrowLand (4/03/2018 4:24 pm) = Frances De'Shalas
[Basic songs played, for audio effect.] Music for freaking out enemy =
Music for just playing =
Music for inspiring allies =

4/03/2018 4:45 pm  #119

Re: A (pizza) slice of life

"We just ran inta one of their bagmen at Illegitimate Spice Dealers. Fella was real aggressive but he weren't much of a problem. I locked 'im down with one spell an everyone else put the hurt on 'im. But the Goblinettis basically run crime in Sigil East. Not the safest people to get on the bad side of, but probably the right ones to."


4/03/2018 5:22 pm  #120

Re: A (pizza) slice of life

Marty nods emphatic agreement with what Leo said.  Because she agreed with it, not because Leo was saying it.  Well, maybe Leo said it better than she would have, but that was just because Leo was awesome.

"What Leo said, and I don't know anything about their staff or anything.  Though I imagine most of them are more competent than the guy at the  Illegitimate Spice Dealers."  She assumed.  But if that was the norm for the local Thief's Guild she might consider a hostile takeover.

Marty:  Female Human Rogue/4

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