Sarah nods and says, "I see. Uh...She seems to like me, huh?"
"That, I would be disappointed if you didn't pick up on."
Sarah snorts and replies, "Uh-huh." She sighs and looks nervously at Volka, asking, "Promise you won't tell her what I'm about to tell you?"
"Oo, juicy." She looks around, pulls Sarah to a corner of the room. "I promise. What's up?"
Sarah looks embarrassed as she follows Volka and says, "I, uh...I don't really know but I think I like her too? Like, I've never...Y'know...Liked a girl before, but Waya is just so...She's beautiful and she's so effortlessly cool and..." Sarah trails off, looking hopefully at Volka to understand what she means.
"Sure," Volka nods, reaching behind a couple of large books on her shelf, and producing a hidden stash of jerky. "Now, this military of yours, what do they think about girls liking girls?"
Sarah blanches, "I hadn't even thought of that...I honestly don't even know."
"Well, whatever the case, I got yer back. Waya's good people, and she's also a good doggo, but I don't know your company, so I can't give you advice there. But you need support, me." He holds her bag over. "Jerky?"
Sarah nods and says, "Sure. Thanks, by the way, for helping me out with all this," as she accepts the bag.
"No problem. I'm all about recruiting cool non-weres like you, over becoming a sorority of chaotic evil villager-killers like the Il Aluk chapter. Oh, I'd advise against going to sorority events hosted by... pretty much any school in Ravenloft."