The door to this building has a padded leather front, and opens to a small foyer with an unmanned reception desk. Past that, though, is a very large lounge full of very tall-backed chairs, walls lined with bookcases and globes of many, many different worlds, and a large fireplace with a fire raging inside, despite it not being that cold outside.
Many of the men here have mustaches and monocles, and nearly all are smoking cigars. There are a few women, as well, fewer of whom have mustaches, but still largely have cigars. Not discounting the odder races that Rae can't easily determine gender, if they even have that. Still, though. Cigars.
As she becomes visible to the inhabitants, a massive beast of a person stands up. Eight feet tall, as wide as she is tall, and with the face of a hippopotamus and the pith helmet of a cliched explorer. He carries a riding crop, and wears uniform of some manner of navy. Also... cigar.
"Ah, what have we here, then? Come on in, young lady, pour yourself a brandy."
Rae doesn't wish to be rude, so she pours herself a Brandy and picks up a cigar from an ornate wooden humador. Somewhat less than expertly, but still competently, she snips the end off the fragrant cylinder if tobacco and lights it from a nearby torch that looked to her to be the closest thing to being something intended for the purpose.
She steps into the collection of explorer beings, and find da a chair. "Ahoy. I be Rae Quetzali, from Ixalan, a plane recently opened to travel after an artifact that be preventin' such was removed." Her eyes wander about the hall. "This be a wonderful place," though it's obvious her eyes linger most in the globes and framed maps on the walls.
She sips a brandy, wishing it were rum, as others introduced themselves or not, as they wished.
The hippo man makes a few cursory introductions, then says, "Private club, don't you know? But I can see my way clear of a minor thing like membership fees if you have a good tale of high adventure to regale us with, wot?" He sits in a massive chair, built especially for his massive bulk. "Tell me about this Ixalan. I've been to a hundred spheres, and haven't heard of this one."
Rae takes a long sip of brandy as she smiles at the warming sensation. "Aye, Ixalan," she says somewhat wistfully. "I can tell ye tales. I be born on a pirate ship, the wind and the waves me midwives. I grew up in the crew of the Brazen Fleet in the Stormwreck Sea, sailing around th' continent of Ixalan (for which th' whole of th' plane be known), a jungle filled with natives and their trained dinosaurs. We pirates and the Sun Empire were ne'er friends, and so most pirates feared the dinosaurs... but, maybe it be the feathers, I always liked them. Even th' biggest be so adorable! We sailed the Stormwreck Sea as years before, we were driven from our homelands from the Vampires that had taken over Torrezon (notably a continent for which th' whole of the plane not be known).
"Too soon f'r me tastes, th' Vampires followed us to Ixalan, looking for the Immortal Sun, an Artifact of great power that th' planeswalker Azor, that he gifted to th' Sun Empire. Truth be told, we pirates were also lookin' for that artifact. But so were planeswalkers from other worlds.... I ended up servin' under one such being, the gorgon Vraska. Soon enough, me sponsor to Sigil Prep, the Planeswalker Jace Belarein wound up on Ixalan, and aboard our ship..." Her melodic voice takes a dramatic turn as she leans forward... "But he was not rememberin' who he be, where he be from, or why he be on Ixalan!"
She takes a puff of her cigar, fighting the urge to cough... she wasn't much of a smoker at all... and when she did smoke, it was much smaller cigarellos... but when in Orazca... She hoped that the others were hooked on her story as she continued.
"I befriended Jace, though he spent most o' his time with th' Cap'n... I helped teach him the ways of the ship that she didn't..." Rae leans back as she regales them with tales of using Jace's illusions to bushwack a Vampire galleon, the race through the jungles of Ixalan looking for the lost city of Orazca and the Immortal Sun, what happened when it was found and how Vraska and Jace left Ixalan with the artifact, but that opened up the plane to other travelers. "Ye see, apparently the Immortal Sun did not prevent travelers from reachin' Ixalan... just from leavin' once there. It be a grand trap set for yet another planeswalker name o' Nicol Bolas, a dragon o' immense power and cunning."
"After the Immortal Sun was removed, the planeswalkers what were trapped in Ixalan were free to leave, but before he left Jace arranged f'r me to attend school here. But just in case... he took me to Khaladesh for a summer internship aboard a pirate ship that soared the skies! It was even more bonnie than sailin' pon waves, savvy?"
she finishes her tale, but she can tell stories of her adventures on Khaladesh too, though she fears that perhaps she has spoken too much already.
At some point during the tale, she pulls out a map of the coast of Ixalan she had been working on from memory in her dorm room.. for practice. She tells Flintlocke he can keep it if he likes.
Last edited by TonyTempest (4/28/2018 11:44 am)
There's some applause as Rae concludes, and Flintlocke looks at the maps, admirably. "Ah, yes. That... other cosmological model, that doesn't connect to the Flow. I met a bloke once, on a ship called Weatherlight. Would've been a fine Spelljammer, if fitted with the right helm, but I just could not abide the goblin calling me 'Pheldagriff butt,' so I chose not to sail with them."
"They never offered you a position, Flint!" another member calls. "They just asked you for directions to the restroom."
He harrumphs, a bellowing sound that slightly shakes the floor. "My lack of abiding for the Goblin still stands."
"The Flow," Rae says, "that be the 'phligistan', aye? That be what I came here to learn about. Spelljamming. Senor Mercator at the Ye Olde Mappe Shoppe said ye'd be knowin' about it," she said to the large pheldagriff looking individual, who had introduced himself as Flintlocke. "I have so many questions, but I be knowin' that if I be likin' sailing through the clouds, I'd be lovin' sailing through the stars."
As an aside she also says, "oh, and we be havin' many goblins in the Fleet. They are great with the lightning cannon, and great in th' rigging, especially with their prehensile tails and feet like extra hands..."
"Yes, quite," Flintlocke says, pouring himself another brandy. "Not much like the goblins hereabouts, for certain. But yes, you could say I know quite a bit about Spelljamming. Twenty years with the giff military, and from there, served as executive officer upon many a vessel."
"Brilliant!" Rae says pulling out her journal for notes. "Now, I be understandin' ye need a power source called a 'helm' (usually a chair) to power th' spelljammers. Can ye...uhm, let's at 'buy' one and fix it t' a ship o' yet choice? How does a helm work? I be seein' pictures of Spelljamming ships, and they have sails. Why? Be there wind in wildspace?". She takes a breath and realizes perhaps she's asked too many questions at once...and she pauses to let Flintlocke (or someone else) answer.
"Well, the chair... the helm is a bit enchanted, wot? It absorbs magic from the helmsman and turns it into forward momentum, don't you know. Helmsman has to be a spellcaster, although a few rare helms exist that are powered by psionic might or Ki. Or even rarer, furnaces, which burn up magic items and capture the magic to power the ship, but that's costly even if you have one. But yes, the sails are important, because the helmsman is rarely able to fine control the ship. You need to use the spatial winds and currents to navigate properly."
"That be interestin'," Rae says as she hits down notes. "And where be a sailor gaining one o' these helms?"