"Will do," said Leo, as he hustled on out.
Last edited by Akodo Rokku (5/23/2018 11:33 pm)
As Leo enters the hall, he is nearly collided with by a quartet of women in truly outrageous outfits, looking at each other and behind them, as Merrix bellows, "Out! Out on that stage, now! Now! Now!"
"We don't go on for..."
"My agent is hearing about this."
"Chainmail Bikini!" exclaims Leo. "I hear y'all are pretty kickass."
Oh gods more females. Unit's desire to avoid contact wars with his urge to get revenge on Cannith by stealing his toys.
Sarah, having briefly gotten lost looking for Unit, places a (gloved) hand on his shoulder and says, "C'mon. We need to get you to the infirmary before you lose anything else important."
"Damn straight we kick ass," the apparent leader of the band says, a red-haired woman with hair far too fluffed up to be real. "Whaddaya want me to sign?" She pulls out a pen and reaches to autograph Unit's breastplate.
Unit falls back, dropping bits of himself again. "What is wrong with you!?"
"I didn't have the chance ta pick up any merch on my way in, but I'll grab somethin' for ya ta sign after the show. And uh... that fella don't like bein' touched."
Rouge retracts the pen. "Sorry. Geez, you must be a Benalish Heroes fan."
She turns to Leo. "Hold on a sec," She takes the aPhone from his hand, holds it out at arm's length, and puts her arm around him. A second later, she hands the phone back, with an image of her and Leo on the scry-glass. "Make your friends jealous."
Leo is mildly fascinated by Rouge knowing how to use something that was basically just invented. Technology moves fast in Sigil.
"Neat! Well thanks, Y'all probably better get on stage before Mister d'Cannith pops a vein."