"...and then the mimic be tryin' t' eat me, but I talked it out of that," Rae continues. "Then we be flyin' to Chislev, where I met Mei Ling, who be a bonnie friend. We stopped an Interloper from takin' her port, an' her dragon scuttled the scallywag's ship. I had sent Macaw on his way f'r his an' the crew's safety, so I had t' hitch another ride to Palanthus. Where I be findin' a portal to get back t' school. Like, I just got back an me flat mates wouldn't let me sleep, but me new roommate gave me some kind o' potion so I be feelin' ship-shaped f'r now." Rae takes a breath, which gives Professor Jasmine her first chance to interject since Rae started in on her story.
But the chance is short lived. "So I be learnin' t' fly a spelljammin' ship (ye should really try it if ye haven't) but as relatin' t' yer class...I learned about flyin' in no gravity and flyin' through a gravity plane an' all around the ship even in motion. So...will ye be lettin' me stay in class?"
Jas listens nodding, holds up her finger in a "well, actually," she never gets to express when Rae suggests she should try spelljamming, then finally says, "I'd ask for all this in a written report I can file, but I don't really have time to... you met Mei Ling? Did she... you know, never mind. Just don't miss any more classes."
"No more classes, aye!" Rae says gratefully. "Hopefully everyone else be as reasonable."
In her own world, Rae leaves to talk to navigation professor Captain Wavemistress when she stops, wheels around and pokes her head back into Professor Jasmine's office. " be knowin' Mei Ling too?"
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"We've met," she says. "I spent a good deal of time traveling with a ragtag group on a spelljammer with a mind of its own. I will say, for someone who spends a good deal of her time in flight, it was nice after that to have my feet on solid ground. I've probably been to every interesting port in the Radiant Triangle, and you don't go to Chislev without meeting Mei Ling."
"Oi! Ye be a spelljammin' sailor, too?" Rae enthuses. "All the time I be searchin' for someone who be knowin' about spelljammin' and I could have just been askin' ye! Shiver me timbers! It be a most impresseive mode o' travel, aye?"
"I had some adventures, to be sure. The circumstances of my travels left something to be desired."
"Oi, I be wantin' to talk to ye all about it... But I be havin' other professors I need to...beg forgiveness from.."
She smiles and waves goodbye to Jas, then notices that she has another professor in the Falconhand Bldg she should see before heading over to Kaz the Minotaur's school of seafaring. She inquires and finds out Professor Tika Wayland was teaching a class (thankfully not the one Rae was supposed to be in) that was just letting out. So she hurries down stairs to a classroom for more advanced swashbuckling education. Before she can go in though, she spots a fellow student (though an upperclassman to be sure) dressed all in red, flowing clothes, the very embodiment of a swashbuckler. Her hat was large and floppy, a thin rapier sheathed at her thin waist. Rae's eyes widened.
"Ahoy! Ye be taken a class with Professor Wayland? I be needin' to..." Then she stops and looks the other woman's hat. "Sink me! That be a beautiful feather in yer hat! What kind be it? Dinosaur, for sure, I be thinkin'!"
Last edited by TonyTempest (6/17/2018 10:12 pm)
"Aye," the girl says, sweeping the hat off and taking a deep bow. A few of her passing classmates roll their eyes, a few others clap. "'Tis indeed an ornament worthy of the haberdashery of so fine a dresser as the bold and lovely Crimson Lotus, champion of the oppressed, hero of Breland, and truest treasure of House Deneith. Would that such a grand and luxurious feather had an origin fitting of its lofty grandeur, but in truth, I bought it at the store."
"Anissa d'Denith," she says with a grin.
Rae grins. "Rae. Rae Quetzali," the siren responds. "I be new here, an be looking to specialize in swashbuckler in me pirate...I mean, rogue... major. I just got back from sailin' the ebon depths o' wildspace an' the rainbow fire o' the phlogiston...which be makin' me miss me first couple o' classes. So now I be tourin' campus hopin' me professors not be measurin' me f'r chains. Ye look marvelous. I think yer everythin' I be wantin' to be as a swashbuckler.".
She takes off her worn leather tricorn and looks it over. "It looks like I be needin' to put some work in..."
Last edited by TonyTempest (6/17/2018 3:45 pm)
"Many thanks, my fair friend," Anissa says, putting an arm around Rae's shoulder and guiding her back into the classroom. "But look outward for inspiration if you will, but look within for what you want to be. There can be but one Crimson Lotus, but so too can there be but one... You need a good nickname.
"Professor Tika! Fair Rae Quetzali seeks to offer apology for her wayward travels and seeks fair that you penalize her none too harshly for her absence. On her behest, I beseech you offer her a chance to do makeup work?"
The young woman at the desk blinks a couple of times, then nods. "Yes, that... that will be fine."
"Huzzah! A grand victory greets us this day, my fine-feathered friend!"