Maki will try to wake the hamster.
Blue stirs slightly. Man, upgrading to PC hurts. That sucked. I miss Kor already.
Marty kicks off the body of Maki's last kill, propelling herself backwards to slow-skate back to the others, her body swaying only slightly as she shifts weight from foot to foot to maintain the slow speed back to RC and the others.
"Glad to see you're all right Blue." Well, maybe not exactly all right, but alive anyway. "Want some cheese puffs?" She reached forward with a cupped palm full of airy crisps covered in bright orange goodness. She wondered who Kor was, but decided not to ask.
So, she was in a library, full of ancient and modern arcane and forbidden knowledge. Hmmm. There had to be something in here about curses, and gender manipulation, or prophesies, or... That was the trouble with wizards and their plots. The possibilities were too many to list, let alone research.
She pulled out her list. :"maybe some of the easier ones, like hair and fur and tears and spittle." She mused to herself as she looked around.
"Maki, you said you understand how this place works? Can you help me find a book on Great Wheel alignment and balance?"
Maki will lead marty to her book (with a 16 on investigation.) Than say "i believe this is it."
Blue happily falls on the snacks. Yay! Food! Death saves make me hungry. So the fight didn't go too badly after I got knocked out, huh? Everyone else okay?
Maki will smile and say to blue "we did perfect and without your help things would not have gone so smoothly."
Marty checks herself over, and decides that besides the damage to her outfit she got through with just a couple scratches. Though one bite on her arm looked nasty and might need some attention to make sure it didn't get infected. She didn't even want to think about demonic infections. "My clothes are covered in dretch!" She whined in answer to Blue's question. "I knew I should have taken prestidigitation when I had a chance."
Maki will look to marty and say.
" i can always make you one."
"You can do that?" Marty asked. "That would save an incredible amount on laundry, if nothing else."
Hooray! I helped! The hamster leaps up onto Maki's shoulder and makes himself comfortable.