"You make good fire." Marty agreed. "And you make fire good" She added rather ungrammatically.
She looked to Sarah. "You good with what you came for?" She asked.
maki will say to marty smugly." I can make anything and if I cant make it I can outsource it.the mark of any true fool is to dismiss something just because they do not wish to know that thing."
The book Sarah came for, while it has a big puncture whole in it, still has the last page which needs to be copied, so that's all good. With no other pressing business, RC says "I can probably spare another spell slot. Even if there's trouble on the way out for some reason, I'm not a primary caster." And they heal Blue for another 4.
Hooray, more hp! Hopefully we get to rest and I can spend some HD.
"Hopefully i can borrow my two books as well maybe even get a job from that gnome."
Sarah looks up from copying the last page and replies, "Yeah I think so...Though we should probably take the book to the front so someone can cast Mending on it." She lifts the tracing sheet from the back of the book and grins to herself, happy to have gotten the form copied over, finally.
The book Maki has presented to Marty bears the title "The Alignment and Balance of the Great Wheel, and How It Could Certainly Be Improved" by the Wizard Mordenkainen.
"Wow. This is spot on." Marty said to Maki as she took the book. "You really should get a job here. You're good at it." She thumbed through the book, checking the first and last few pages most carefully.
It seemed a good time to leave, since Sarah had her book. "We should probably get out of here. There's no telling what the respawn timer is on those demons."
Turning to leave, she saw a thin tome with a flexible cover. "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance." She read the cover as she picked it up. "Might be interesting."
Maki will think about getting a part time job here. Ahe prepares to leave the lost stacks with her friends prepared
To ask for two books and a part time job.
Maki's books aren't hard to find at all, and she is directed to the front desk for an employment application.
(Anything else here?)