Blue perks up. Hey! You're back! And in this continuity! Awesome!
"I'm Marty." Marty waved at the new girl. She didn't look much like Jen, but then she supposed throwing demonic nor diabolic blood into the family tree didn't make for consistency. She hoped this stranger would turn out as nice as Jen, but she really wasn't getting that vibe. Time would tell.
"Away to Administrative quarters then!" She struck a dramatic pose, rapier upthrust and pointing toward... She quickly turned about to face the admin building. ",,, and away!" And she kicked off, rolling slowly so as not to outdistance anyone.
Last edited by ronni.jean (8/27/2018 7:37 pm)
"Shiver me timbers," Rae exclaims. "Oi, Jennifer, ye not be tellin' us ye had mateys in port." She turns back to the newcomer, "Belay that, I be so rude. Me name be Rae. Rae Quetzali."
Mora blinks at the little fuzz ball by Jennifer. "Oi! You're a little bit, aren't you? And a mind talker, like Mum's people. But Mum's people would'a et a little thing like you. Popcorn?" She reached out her bag to Blue.
She nodded to the others, "Marty and Rae. Good to meetcha. I was heading to admin myself. Got to get some forms in for cheer. Should be good fun."
As Marty skates away, Rae, says, "Oi, this be Crystalline, she be interested in enrollin' in our school. So we be needin' to go to Administration, an' Marty be gettin' a head start." She looks to the hamster, "Blue, ye want t' be takin' a flight?"
Yay! Popcorn is great! The hamster happily munches as he continues. Y'know, fiends would've been no problem before, but in 2.0 they are way too high tier for me. He shifts to face Rae as he swallows the first treat and stuffs another piece into his face. Flying sounds fun, I kinda wanna know more about Jennifer and all the fire first though.
"Oi, that be ok," Rae says, then takes to the air to catch up with Marty. "Come on Crystalline! Let's stretch yer wings."
Jennifer blinked several times upon seeing and recognizing Mora. It had been more than a few years since the last Fiendsgiving they had gotten together, that was even before Zachary had left.
"Mora? Wow! Oh my, I'm sorry I didn't even know you'd be around. Dad told me that you were attending Grenpoli Poly U down in Maladomini. Well, uh how've you been?"
Mora shook her head, "Mum is part fiend. But I meant her other people. Yuan-ti." She reached up and pulled down her lower eye lid, "See, I got her eyes. But not her lack of nose." Mora's eye isn't solid like most tieflings. Hers looks like a very fancy green marble with a slit pupil.
She nodded at Jen, "Good. How's you? Sigil wasn't bunched about not picking a track. Dad wants me to go Assassin, but Arcane trickster looks like fun. And ain't that what it's about?"
Last edited by Pookachan (8/27/2018 9:28 pm)
"Cheer?" Marty asked as she rolled slowly backwards, facing the others as they walked toward Administration. "I missed the tryouts, but was thinking of trying out anyway." She didn't mention that her interest in the sport grew once she found out Leo was going to be at the practices and performances.
"Maddie might make an exception if... I dunno, I give her a blood sacrifice or something." Without slowing her slow roll or stooping to do so, she picked up a couple small stones and began to juggle them, using more hands than the two you could see. "And Arcane Trickster is fun even if I'm only just starting to work out how to do fine manipulation."