Rae mutters. "Aye.... was gonna be leavin' that part out...."
"Oi, thanks," Spin says to Marty. "I blew a mound o' jink on 'em, sure as Sigil, but they're rum square."
Dora frowns, then nods. "I don't have time to go clubbing tomorrow. I've got a lot of prep work before classes start." She completely ignores the 'bitch' part. "You... want to go to Tier Breche? I mean... no offense, you're going to stand out like a sore thumb. Just... keep your student ID with you and do NOT leave campus. City guard won't give a damn if you're visiting from another school."
Unit crosses his arms. "I always stand out, frequently surrounded by inferiors."
Meh hey martin ive been working on an idea. If you would like to look.
"Thank ye, Dora," Rae says, "but we were meanin' t' ask if there be any portals ye know of. We've been told of two. One into th' city which ye as much as said was not good, and one in the arena what we shouldn't use save f'r ...athletic? events. Be there no other t'the school proper? Like...right on course to th'bookstore itself, aye?"
"They be expectin' me, if that helps."
Last edited by TonyTempest (2/16/2018 12:19 am)
Dora winces. "I... Jov's House o' Portals in town has a portal directly to House do'Urden. I would... not recommend that. I mean, Auntie needs some new slaves, but good news for her, not so much for you." She looks to Spin.
"I could spread the chant, probably lock up a free-standing portal in a split."
"We were told there is another portal, in the arena."
Aye, lad, the Arena," Rae says as she turns to Spin. "Avast ye! Ye be sayin' ye can crimp a route what don't get us dancin' the hempen jig? All hands hoay! We be plunderin' me booty smartly, and haul to port loaded to the gunwhales 'n bumbo! Savvy?"
Marty glances toward the tall pale-skinned girl. Did she just call her Martin? Where had she learned that name? Had she peeked at her registration papers? She guessed it didn't matter. Or maybe it did. Was it so obvious that she was Martin and not Marty?
"Yes?" She replied. "What do you have?"
She rolled over to glance at the sketch the girl had made. "Oh! Retractable wheels!" She exclaimed. "That would be really handy for stairs and soft ground!" She wasn't able to decipher any details from the sketch, but she did like the idea.
"Can you actually make this?" And with a sudden feeling of dread she added. "Without taking my skates apart? They're the only pair I have." After all, she really didn't know this person, or anyone else here. Not well enough to trust them with something as dear as her wheels.
Last edited by ronni.jean (2/16/2018 1:02 pm)
I can do it with some leather it would take an hour to do.but wed have to go get the materials from the school store if you put up half the cost of the materials we can do it