"I got no idea, t'be honest. Apparently Hermoine d'Phiarlan don't exist?"
"Well, somebody posed for that calendar." Marty stated the obvious. "Have you asked Roxy who it was?"
"Hermione d'Phiarlan? Of course she exists, she... um, she was... well, she showed up for the calendar shoot. Cecelia d'Phiarlan was supposed to come, but I guess she sent Hermione instead." Roxy shrugs. "Anyway, she was hot, so I went with it."
"That sounds perfectly reasonable. But apparently it ain't. Ana, why ain't it?"
Ana's eyes widen. "Roxanne, do you not keep track of House interplay at all?"
"Cecilia d'Phiarlan has been missing for months! And then this Hermione d'Phiarlan, who isn't even on the social register, is 'sent' to take her place on this calendar... I... can't imagine the motive for doing the photo shoot, but it has to be related."
"Well dang, that's definitely a mystery. Not all that sexy, though. What do y'all reckon we should do next?"
"Roxy did say the one girl was hot." Marty chimed in. "That's sexy, right? And who knows? Maybe this House d'Phiarlan has been infiltrated by sexy vampires or a crime ring running high-end call girls. Or something." Shut up Marty, none of that made any sense at all and you were just making a fool of yourself.
She was so confused. About a lot of things, like what was and was not sexy to her anymore, or what should be sexy or not, and if what should be even mattered to what was. "Hey Roxy, you should do a sexy guys calendar." Her stream of conscience turned verbal. "Put Leo and guys like him in it. I'd totally buh... uh. I think that would sell." Talk about awkward, and making a fool of yourself.
"Yea, that's a thing," Roxy nodded, giving Leo the once over with her eyes. "Whaddaya say, stud? Wanna lounge seductively on a bearskin rug in your thong?"
"Or... adventure?" Anissa suggests.
"Adventure, please," says Leo, eyes pleading with the swashbuckler.