Sigil Prep class of 5e

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7/02/2018 9:35 pm  #91

Re: True Adventure

Leo peers about, 'cause darkvision and all.


7/02/2018 9:45 pm  #92

Re: True Adventure

Unit activates Beacon, light emanating from his body.

Last edited by Unit 001 (7/03/2018 5:15 pm)


7/02/2018 10:46 pm  #93

Re: True Adventure

"Oi, Thank ye, big fella," Rae says.  "I didn't want t' be stumblin' about like a landlubber in a storm."

Rae Quetzali 3rd Level Rogue/ 1st Level Bard. Still a Parrot Pirate

7/02/2018 11:01 pm  #94

Re: True Adventure

The stairs are easily navigable and let out on a flat courtyard, covered in rubble and debris, as if nothing had been disturbed for centuries. Ahead is the titular Sunless Citadel, and ominous structure that is crumbling and covered in moss.
Directly in front of the door is a perfectly square area  that seems as if it was free of debris and dust, but five little creatures that seem to be made out of bundles of sticks are hastily sweeping dust onto it.


7/03/2018 12:13 am  #95

Re: True Adventure

"Howdy fellas!"

Leo smiles and waves.

Last edited by Akodo Rokku (7/03/2018 12:13 am)

     Thread Starter

7/03/2018 12:57 pm  #96

Re: True Adventure

The little creatures look up, hopping as if startled, then hustle off.


7/03/2018 4:07 pm  #97

Re: True Adventure

"Jittery little guys. Hope we don't have ta fight 'em later."

Leo proceeds to give the door a once over.

Last edited by Akodo Rokku (7/03/2018 4:07 pm)

     Thread Starter

7/03/2018 5:51 pm  #98

Re: True Adventure

Rae looks over the perfectly square, and clear section of the courtyard.  "Did it be lookin' to any o' ye like they were tryin' t' swab debris onto this section as opposed to cleanin' the courtyard off?"

Last edited by TonyTempest (7/03/2018 8:52 pm)

Rae Quetzali 3rd Level Rogue/ 1st Level Bard. Still a Parrot Pirate

7/03/2018 9:33 pm  #99

Re: True Adventure

Saccha shrugged. "I'm not sure how much of a diffrerence it'd make around here... place is kind of dingy anyways....." She made a "BLEUGH" face. 


7/03/2018 11:30 pm  #100

Re: True Adventure

Leo definitely agrees with the assessment that they were trying to sweep debris onto the clean section. Moreover, Rae spots several seams that indicate the perfect square is a perfect trap door that would likely open under the weight of someone walking across it.


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