"Ye're sailin' a wee bit off course here...," Rae says puzzled. "What d'ye have t' be embarrassed about?"
"Aye," Rae agrees. She looks at Marty for a moment, tilts her head (which has the unfortunate effect of making her look even more bird like), then decides to let it go. "Aye, food. What do ye think we be needin' besides th' maize?"
The grocer busily gathers corn-on-the-cob into a bushel basket. He, for one, is a bit taken aback by the skeleton, but clears his throat and keeps packing. "What else can I get for you?"
Jennifer caught up in time to inquire. "We're looking for Eggs, do you have Hellhen? Oh and Mayonnaise."
"Mayonnaise?" Marty asked, somewhat confused. "You can buy that?" She asked somewhat dubiously. "How do they make it keep?" She'd planned on making the mayo, but if you could buy it why not? Neil had all the eggs they needed, but they wouldn't have to help him restock later if they bought their own.
"Lots of eggs, and cooking oil, and butter. Fifteen pounds should do it."
Before going in, Lorenzo gives Frances a light pat on the shoulder and another toothy grin.
"Hey, maybe we can find some way for you to come back in full, yeah? 'Til then, no worries mate, you're in good company. Also, lemme know if anyone tries to mess with ya, I'll show them a real monster, yeah?"
Nobody messes with his friends freely. After, Lorenzo walks in behind the others, looking at the groceries in general (and slipping Chi-Chi 5 gold as well so she could buy some of her own food).
"So let's any gator meat? Gonna need about sixteen pounds of that for a good gumbo and paella, ten pounds of rice, bushel of garlic, bushel of tomatoes, and ten pounds of mushrooms to make enough for everyone who might want some."
"Not a lot of call for gator meat," the grocer says. "We've got cave lizard." He gathers up the other things as people make requests.
Chi-Chi stares at the gold pieces Lorenzo gave him, biting on curiously. She wanders to the meat counter and returns shortly with as much as she can carry.
"Really? But it's so stringy and is crap with shellfish. Any place around here that might sell some aquatic lizard meat? I can make do with iguana in a pinch, even."
"Uhhh... well, there's Bad Max's Exotic Pet Shop and Butchery." The grocer seems to find his own recommendation distasteful. "This all seems to be 13 silver..." He glances at Chi-Chi. "Plus 6 gold for the meat."