"Lorenzo's gumbo has stuff in it that's fine for lizardfolk, but apparently makes us warm-bloods go loopy," adds Leo, "and I guess made poor Jenny sick 'cause she's from Hell or whatever. You need some help getting to the infirmary? Or the showers?"
DM Swift wrote:
RC shakes their head. "Nah, this guy's clearly got a wood-core. Prob'ly reacts to healing magic." They turn to Unit. "Non-construct people's bodies can react to certain chemicals in ways that cause hallucinations and mood changes an' stuff."
Unit gingerly holds his left arm, as he gets up. "Why would anyone possibly consume something like that?"
Unit 001 wrote:
Unit gingerly holds his left arm, as he gets up. "Why would anyone possibly consume something like that?"
"Fer fun," suggests Leo, "or fer spiritual or religious purposes. In this case tho', they just didn't know it was in there."
"Not cool." Marty opined "Sipping people Mickeys is just wrong." She shifted her weight to spin a slow quarter-spiral to the left and twisted an ankle to swap direction to the right.
"I don't think the lizard guy did it on purpose though, so, maybe not a real scumbag."
Frances would fold his arms a bit saying "Yea I doubt that was the intended purpose. For once I'm glad I don't have a mind for that to mess with." He said, after a second he pinched the bridge of his eyes as he mumbled a second before adding "Please no comment on what I just said."
He would then say "Anyways they got folks looking after them." He said nodding.
"Anyway," RC adds, "If you didn't do it, how would you know about the bunny conspiracy?"
"Well if this party's wrappin' up, I got a lady to attend to," says Leo. "Y'all have a good night, y'hear?"
Frances would chuckle as he returned to Lazy and friends. "Sorry about that. Anyways, I hope you liked the performance."
"I need to burn this cloak, then find Jennifer and murder her." Getting up, he levitates his cloak in front of him and walks it to the trash heap he'd left outside.