"sure," Rae says, "introduce Leo as handsome cause I'm sure she can't tell already...but I'm crazy." Rae says out of the corner of her mouth.
"An avenue is that guy. Bird head and wings, human-ish (as you would think of them) arms and legs. But usually they are like owl headed, or hawk headed, or I've heard in some places even ibis headed...he just looks ill!"
"Oh." She looked at the Vrock. "I think that's some sort of demon bird." She guessed. "And I think you're good-crazy, not crazy-crazy, if that helps."
"fair enough," Rae decides at Marty's explanation, then grins at Leo. " We calls it Brazen back home!"
Looking back to the vrock she says,"also, this is only the third plane I've been too, it makes sense there's more out there than what I know... I've already seen more on our floor in the dorms than I'd heard of before..."
Last edited by TonyTempest (3/29/2018 4:01 pm)
"So," Leo says to the assembled pizzeria employees, "y'all got any clues who mighta done this?"
Last edited by Akodo Rokku (3/29/2018 4:13 pm)
"Yeah, it's right over there!" the orc points at the catboy across the street, staring with his warforged and halfling friend.
"Conclusions," the robed man says, "are not to be reached with abandon. Only by looking... closely can the truth be found, and often in the most innocuous detail."
The orc reaches down and picks up a rock. "Here's a innoculous detail right here. Somebody threw a rock, and I betcha this rock fits right perfect in a certain little catboy's hand."
The modrons and the vrock have mostly finished installing the window.
Rae sniffs at the air. " I don't think the little kitten had anything to do with this, " she decides, letting the fates decide if she's right or wrong... Either way, it'd be more luck than skill.
Frances, having heard some of this, would nod a bit and hummed. He decided to do a bit of snooping himself. He would be walking towards Artie and his gang, passing by them as he looked over. "Hello there fellas, How are things?" He asked them, a passing by question as he stopped to look at them.
"Hi Tracey" Marty replied to the redhead. The ninja remained silent of course, and the guy in black seemed quite focused on the task at hand.
Looking across the street, she waved at the cat-boy before stepping forward to investigate the damage. Did most of the glass fall inside or outside? Was the rock actually the cause of the breakage? Where there footprints not made by bird or modron feet?
Leo looks over at the assembled kids and the familiar skeleton addressing them, and heads on over. Persuasion 20.
"Heya Frances, you lookin' inta this too huh? The big feller over there thinks these scamps have somethin' ta do with it." He turns to the kids. "Now, growin' up a street kid m'self I know what it's like ta get caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. I also know about keepin' yer ear to the ground so ya might have an idea who actually knocked this place over. Y'all got any thoughts about that?"
Last edited by Akodo Rokku (3/29/2018 4:55 pm)