"I... I'll do my best," Shiori says anxiously. A competitive routine! That's a good sign, she's impressed the captain. On the other hand, now she has to perform something harder, and she hasn't actually done this before.
She takes Willow's position, and... almost immediately flubs one of the steps. She's graceful enough that she avoids falling over, even manages to make it look sort of intentional, but it's not good and it throws her off the next few. Aaah that was awful quick apologize before they kick you out! She stops, looking deeply embarrassed (despite only her eyes being visible behind the traditional ninja mask).
"I'm sorry, that was bad. I'm not used to people watching... May I stay and practice for a while, then try again?" Oh no what if stopping in the middle of the routine was an even worse mistake "Or should I just go?"
"It's a pretty difficult routine," Willow says.
"Fine, sure," Maddie sighs. "Work on it with Willow while I check out these other loser... candidates."
Dora hesitates. "I'm on the planning committee, yes."
"Hey, dis girl wants to do some shoot'em up. Jus' let her come on over!"'
"Please ignore Kreeba. He and his... friends run a pawn shop in town and... they aren't supposed to be on campus."
"goblin?" Charlie says. "I'm hadozee, feather lady. No stupid grounder goblin. You got feathers inside your head, too?"
Rae shakes her head. "No. You just resemble the goblins from back home a little bit, and I've never heard of hadozee. So much new stuff to learn!"
Last edited by TonyTempest (4/14/2018 9:49 pm)
Frances would tilt his head a bit, then laugh a bit. "Ah it's fine, trust me. So what's this trip here, a Peak of sorts?" He asked wondering where this place was.
"Back on Greyhawk, there's a mountain range," Trivia explains, "the Barrier Peaks. Some centuries back, a metal craft of some sort... not a Spelljammer, but it appears to have come from space... crashed into the mountains and was buried. It was discovered a couple of decades ago, and has been a popular adventuring site ever since. Mostly because you can find plasma cannons and ray guns. Although the packs that power them don't last very long. They don't even recharge at dawn like a proper magic item."
"Hadozees is better than goblins," Charlie declares. "Can climb netting and ropes like pros. Better'n you. And glide like a champ. Better'n..." He hesitates and notes Rae's feathers. "Better'n humans."
"Name is Lorenzo Thuya, nice meeting you too, sir. My friend here is t'Nee. Most of my experience is in brawling and gators that bit off more than they could chew. That said, apparently I found an ancient scholarship involving the team, so is there any kind of test to joining?"
Rae nods as Charlie explains. "Well...not to beat a dead herdcaller... But back home, the goblins were the best rope workers. But they couldn't glide. So I understand you aren't one." She picked up a flier, even though Trefor said there was one in her "mail".
Last edited by TonyTempest (4/14/2018 6:24 pm)
DM Swift wrote:
Rodney Bargle, the president of BBEG,'s eye widen. "Duke of Hell? Gentlemen," he says to the giant and lady next to him, the lady coming very close to hitting him with her book, "we may have struck gold."
Jennifer grinned, glad to feel welcome. "Well great! So, is there something for me to fill out? Or do I just show up to the place or something?"
Frances hummed a bit as he nodded. "Well then, that's something you don't hear about everyday." He said. "So is there a date for this adventure? I got a few things needing to do but it does seem interesting." He commented.
"Miss Trivia's got everything all figured out," says Leo, "just sign up here and take an information packet, it's got the date an' time of our first meetin' along with all kinda information about the club."