Sigil Prep class of 5e

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4/14/2018 8:34 pm  #91

Re: Rush Week

Seeking to change the increasingly awkward subject, Rae asks, "so, Trefor is from Taladas on Krynn. Where are you fellows from? And do any of you have flying boats in your world? I got to serve on a flying ship on khaladesh, that was super!"

Rae Quetzali 3rd Level Rogue/ 1st Level Bard. Still a Parrot Pirate

4/14/2018 8:35 pm  #92

Re: Rush Week

Sarah nods and says, "I see. I was hoping this would be some kind of...Gunsmith Club, I guess? Not just goblins trying to sell wares."

Sarah McAllister: Human Artificier (Gunsmith) 2

4/14/2018 8:44 pm  #93

Re: Rush Week

"Hey, lady," Kreeba calls to Sarah. "We can be all the gunsmith cats you want. You help us make the guns, we sell them at the store, we give you 5%."

Three-Eyed Jake says, "Never been on an airship myself, I--"
"Flyships are nothin'!" Charlie interrupts. "We have ships in spaces! To the stars! And then through the big wall!"

"We're still looking at dates," Trivia says, "but there's sure to be smaller excursions between now and then. Barrier Peaks is a major outing."

The dragonborn nods. "Sounds good. Never hurts to wrestle alligators. Alright, why don't you and froggy go in there and try to pin each other? I'll take a look at your technique, and correct it as much as I can."

Bargle gives Jennifer a t-shirt that says "Minion" on it. "We're having a get-together tonight, what, nobody said anything about hazing? Be sure to drop by and we'll help you out. Bonus points if you... persuade the warforged asshat to not show up."

     Thread Starter

4/14/2018 9:13 pm  #94

Re: Rush Week

"Sailing? In the stars?" Rae asks. "Is that true? That sounds wonderful! How do we do that?"

Last edited by TonyTempest (4/14/2018 9:45 pm)

Rae Quetzali 3rd Level Rogue/ 1st Level Bard. Still a Parrot Pirate

4/14/2018 9:32 pm  #95

Re: Rush Week

"See, I told ya she was on top of it," says Leo, "how about it, Frances? Unit already signed up, y'know."


4/14/2018 9:52 pm  #96

Re: Rush Week

Frances would nod and said "Alright then, sounds good to me. Sure I'll sign up, sense there's room to adjust the adventuring date." He said signing up. "So, tell me, think there's still any good blueprints of some sort still there or has it been just picked cleaner than my bones?" He asked jokingly. = Frances De'Shalas
[Basic songs played, for audio effect.] Music for freaking out enemy =
Music for just playing =
Music for inspiring allies =

4/14/2018 10:07 pm  #97

Re: Rush Week

Lorenzo gives a shrug as he turns to face t'Nee, eyes sliding to slits again as he focuses on the grung.
"Hnnn...ready when you are."

(initiative 17, raging to mean business, rage gives advantage to the attack so 19 to hit once we get going.)


4/14/2018 10:21 pm  #98

Re: Rush Week

Sarah looks offended and replies, "I don't care about money. I just want to practice my craft with other people who actually know what they're doing...Who are few and far between, it seems." The latter two sentences seem more directed at Dora, searching for some kind of smithing club at the least. 

Sarah McAllister: Human Artificier (Gunsmith) 2

4/14/2018 10:41 pm  #99

Re: Rush Week

Unit pays special attention to anyone expressing interest in the Barrier Peaks trip.  Any one of them might try to claim technology that was rightfully his.


4/15/2018 1:37 am  #100

Re: Rush Week

DM Swift wrote:

Bargle gives Jennifer a t-shirt that says "Minion" on it. "We're having a get-together tonight, what, nobody said anything about hazing? Be sure to drop by and we'll help you out. Bonus points if you... persuade the warforged asshat to not show up."

Jennifer smiled, accepting the T-shirt, "Well, okay then. See you tonight." she waved as she left. She wasn't sure what they meant by hazing, and she thought it was kind of mean what they were talking about with about that warforged, did they mean Unit? He was the only other warforged she knew at the school, and she thought he had mentioned something about his dad being a big deal, and a professor at the school, but it also seemed rude to assume that just because he was a warforged, and besides, Unit was her friend, and it would be nice to have someone she knew there so she wouldn't have to worry about meeting a bunch of new people all at once. She'd definitely have to make a good first impression, maybe she could bring some food. It was a little last minute, but she could probably whip up some cupcakes or something simple like that.

As she thought of this, she noticed Unit's bulk in the crowd. She ran up to him waving, the Minion T-shirt in her hand. "Unit! Sorry I lost track of you after the game show thingy. How's the cloak working out for you?" she noticed Leo and Frances as she approached them. "Oh, hi Leo. Frances." she gave a little nod to the skeleton, paying a little more attention to him given what she now knew of the date. She quickly distracted herself from all that by looking at the booth they were at. "So what's this all about?"


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