Rae's eyes light up as RC explains (if they lit up a bit more when RC said 'booze' it was probably just coincedence). But, someone she knew actually had knowledge about spelljamming! And something called wildspace which RC seemed to indicate had something to do with Spelljamming. That was exciting!
t'Nee squeals a bit as Lorenzo lands on top of him.
"How are we doing, Coach?" he croaks, before trying to wiggle out from underneath his lizard-friend
((13 vs Lorenzo's athletics))
Last edited by Sol (4/15/2018 10:30 pm)
Lorenzo just casually leans back more heavily on t'Nee, giving a chuckle at his efforts.
"Would've been better off aiming for an ankle. Easier to get a guy with a tail off balance from below."
(Rolled a 16 athletics, so no. Also a 19 vs 13 to pin t'Nee)
Last edited by Eshkigal (4/15/2018 10:38 pm)
The coach nods. "Good, boys, good. I think you two might have some potential. I just gotta see if there's a frogweight division and see who participates in it. Don't wanna waste time preppin' if the only opponent is Glantri."
With a nod, Lorenzo sits up, leaning back slightly to help t'Nee stand up before getting himself up.
"Great then. Any tips for either of us currently, or will that be all for today? Also, seen the football coach? I looked on the barbarian class listing, and apparently sports are practically do the same training as the classes half of the time."
Last edited by Eshkigal (4/16/2018 10:07 am)
Frances would be listening in and then tensened up. "W-wait, wait wait, hold. Spelljamming? You like anti-magic fields right? Ooh ye-no I'm sorry I got to back out, I'm sorry." He said, sounding kind of worried about something. "No see, my chains that lock me here in the living is ethereal. If I step foot into an anti-magic field well..." to prove his point Frances would glow his eyes, and then shut them off, going limp and using his play dead trick to just collap onto the ground like the life left him. He then sprung back up. "That was just a trick, but going there if anything is active than that will be real. I mean...I suppose I would be fine and able to get back up if someone took my skeleton out of the area but still."
Rae looks aghast that this thing she was so excited about could be fatal to her friend, but she suspects he misunderstood. "When your ship is at sail, we sometimes call that windjamming. But it's using wind to power the ship, not stop the wind from happening. Perhaps Spelljamming merely uses spells to travel through ...'wildspace'. but, we can't take that chance. I'll look into it, and if it's safe for you to go, I'll let you know."
"That thing Rae said," RC replies. "Using spells to, um... jam. 'Jamming' is like, 'sailing' or something. If there were anti-magic fields, you couldn't even get the ship off the ground." They look at their remote car and frown. "Anti-magic fields suck."
"Just brush up on your fundamentals," Gareebo says. "And football coach is Coach Klank. He's the warforged over there yelling at the burly fellas."
Lorenzo nods to Gareebo.
"I'll do my best, Coach. Thanks!"
After making sure t'Nee was okay, he heads over to Klank.
"G'day, I was told you're the football coach, sir?"
Frances would let out a sigh, from where it was unknown but one could tell he was relieved. "Oh thank goodness, okay yea, I've never heard that term before, I'm was a farm boy turned musician so I never stayed near the seas for long." He said. He would nod at what RC said "Oh yea, that they do my friend, more so for my kind."