"Ah, speaking of which, how's the net coming along if I may ask?" Frances asked remembering he asked her to make a chainmail net.
It was gonna be a surprise when we went to that little shop to get you some of that spirit drink.but the surprise failed. I still cant beleive that thought of me in a ahem more natural state hadnt crossed your mind.(testing the waters)
"In a more natural..." He would be curious for a small moment till he realized what she was talking about. "Oh, ahem, right." Frances said, trying not to stumble on his words.
"Nah, we just violate popular bands' copyrights like every..." Maddie turns around and meets Leo's eyes. "Shit. Uh... I mean, yeah, we could use some upbeat anthem music with some strong power beats."
The loxo looks at Lorenzo and says, "Thanks..."
Last edited by DM Swift (4/20/2018 8:21 pm)
"I'll see what I can do, then. Ya mind if I drop by yer next practice ta get a feel for tha squad? I wanna see y'all get inta it, should help me figure out what ta write."
Lorenzo helps the guy up and to Melina.
"Hey, I ran into you, it's the least I could do, mate. Not too banged up, are you? Don't think I know your name, either. Mine's Lorenzo."
Once the loxo is sitting up, Lorenzo offers his hands to help heft the guy back to his feet if he's able, supporting as much weight as he can if need be.
"Sorry about the collision, too. Seems to be a trend for me out here."
"Oh, that's okay," the elephant says. "My name's Aitch. I'm your roommate?"
Maddie nods. "You do that, sport." She scribbles a practice schedule down and hands it to Leo. "And whatever you do, don't tell Genna Brokendeath you're writing original music for us." She turns around and flips off a copper-skinned half-demon in the 'Gawking Pervs' section, who is rather obvious in her attempts to pretend nobody's seen her.
"Ah, geez, sorry then Aitch. Just been in my head and out a lot, bad news to break and a funeral back home. Haven't been a good roomie at all, have I? The bearded vulture, Huma hasn't been giving you any problems, has she?"
He helps Aitch to Melina as she heads over, and off the field. Though he does give a sad look to Melina.
"Sorry I've been making so much work for you too, Melina. Isn't my intent."
Last edited by Eshkigal (4/21/2018 7:20 am)
"Well," Rae said, " I'm heading back to the dorms. I want to try to find Gear."
"I'm an athletic medic," Melina says. "It's sort of my job." She casts a cure wounds on Aitch. "Although, this is the busiest I've been before any of the actual seasons have started."