Sophia doesn't have any magic to exactly heal the ship, but the selkie does have a certain talent with organic material, and is able to do a downright remarkable job of securing boards over damaged spaces in a well fitting fashion as she flits about.
9 points of healing on the ship, using druidic magic to help as flavor
I hug Sophia and yell teaaaaam efforrrt
Last edited by Sarielvailo (4/22/2018 7:41 pm)
Pete swabs out his cannon, loads more powder, rams it down, loads shot, and runs the gun back out, ready to fire again. He kicks the cannon a few times, aiming for that damaged mast, then lets loose.
Daran preps his cannon for another chain shot round.
Lrz readys his cannon, and fires another round.
Last edited by AntBui (4/23/2018 1:42 pm)
Pete's shot would hit the mast of the enemy ship as large splinters would be flying off of it now, this ship was just about done for.
Lrz however, when he fired his shot the chain cannonball would miss to the left of the mast landing in the water past the ship.
[Rose and Daran's turn to fire. After this round we'll jump over to the two onboard the enemy ship.]
Last edited by WoodrowLand (4/23/2018 1:51 pm)
Rosé stuffs her cannon full and fires again. 15 to hit, 11 damage.
Daran fires off his chain shot... it's not looking good.
7 to hit.
Rosé's shot hits true as the main mast starts leaning a bit now. "We've almost got it!" Blood says, but then the enemy ship starts firing as well. "Brace!"
The first shot got close to hitting, as in it went by Pete and he could feel the air as it went by him, though it was still a miss. The second shot didn't get anywhere close however as they over shot it.
Inside the ship, Chibas had the ability to get the fallen key to unlock her cell she was in, and Seabeard had the opertunity to grab his gear, which was in the brig cell room, a short walk for him.
Chibas seizes the key through the bars, wearing a fantastically disdainful expression as she unlocks her cell and shunts the door open. "A week of praying, and this is the response... ere on the side of dramatics, it seems." Despite her roll of the eyes, the cleric still signs in some holy manner before skulking off to try and find a good cudgel or, better yet, further cells to unlock and really start some problems for the ship.
Last edited by GreyMoth (4/23/2018 7:44 pm)