"Most any port of call. The Rock of Bral, Waterdeep, Palanthas, of course. You have to know where to look on some of the worlds; not a common area of knowledge, wot? But they don't come cheap, for sure."
Rae writes down all the ports of call listed. "Do ye know of a portal to the Rock if Bral near here?" She asks.
"Quite, yes. There's one at Jov's, of course, but he charges quite a bit for it. The infamous 'Flit' portal out there in the, well, what you'd call 'sky' around here, eh wot? Problem with that 'un is you have to have a helm already to activate it. The Beholder's Eye is a good one, opens directly into Large Luigi's tavern, but you have to get a beholder to open it. Seems possible there's a portal at the school, but I can't say for certain. Not the easiest place to get to by planar travel, don't you know?"
After finishing her brandy, Rae asks if she can look around. She is drawn most to the maps, and she finds some to study, appreciating the technique and artistic flourishes on some, criticizing (internally of course) the techniques on others. She finds a system map of a crystal spheres called "krynnspace" and notes the distances between world's is listed in wildly varied amounts. Two close planets, Krynn and reorx, are listed as 12million leagues to 75 million leagues dependant on opposition. Whatever that meant. She knew from terrestrial navigation that the stars and planets moved... So, that must be the difference in distances. There had to be some way to figure out where the world's were when one entered a sphere, or else you wouldn't know where you were aiming the ship. She asked Flintlocke about it.
"So, when ye enter a sphere, how d'ye know how to plot yer course if ye don't know where the planets are in relation t'each other?"
(Unless Flintlocke follows her, he probably isn't waiting around just to answer her questions. She waits somewhat patiently for him to call on her when he notices she's hovering about)
Flintlocke explains wildspace navigation in an adept manner that the DM isn't capable of. "A bit unlike sea travel, because your islands, as it were, are moving about vast distances. But easy enough with a skilled navigator with the proper tools."
Rae nods, as Flintlocke explains. She writes down "planetary locator" when he mentions it, as it seems like an important piece of equipment. "Thank ye, Sir," she says. She nods 'good bye' to the other explorers sitting around the central room, and leaves the Club, thinking she'd like to go back... maybe become a proper member.
She flies back to campus, and drops by Bigby Building and finds a flier on the Spelljammer club. There is a list of meeting times, but Rae hoped to find Fiv before the next meeting. Since Fiv must have posted the flier there, she asked around if anyone knew him, where to find him... She got a lead, and left to find the young gnome. Finally, she saw someone walking across the quad who looked like the person she was looking for.
"Ahoy!" Rae calls. "Fiv! Be ye Fiv?"
"YesIamImean Iguessthatdepends areyoulookingfor FivlerunlonpaddlingtonSonofPorvaraltinkkinglingstonHimselfSonofLidderingdellpoddleblod... that'sprobablyenoughnamebutyes ifthat'swhoyou're lookingforthat'sthe FivIam."
Rae stops short.
".... what?" Rae says. "I mean... are you Fiv of the Spelljammer Society?"
"Ohyeahthat'sme Ilovespelljammingloveitloveit eversinceIwaslittlemy parentswouldtellmeaboutmyuncle whowasaspelljammingcaptain andIalwaysknewthat's whatIwanted todo..."
Prepared for his manner of speech, Rae concentrates and listens. After a moment, she says, "aye, an' after hearin' of such a thing, I can't get me mind off it. But I be hearin' ye are a spelljammer sailin' club, but ye don't have a ship. I want t' help ye get a ship. So, who be in wildspace that be fair game fer... liberatin' a ship from?"