Rae's built slightly, but flight requires more muscles than one usually thinks of. Still, lifting barrels isn't exactly her preference. But, one does what one needs to do aboard a ship.
She walks over to a barrel and tries to lift it. It's heavy, but she lifts it with ease. She walks to the gangplank. "Me names Rae Quetzali. Can ye point out the quartermaster so I can be takin' the stores to where 'e wishes 'em?"
Last edited by TonyTempest (5/03/2018 10:55 pm)
"Yer lookin' at 'im, lass. You lookin' for steady work or passage? We're sailin' to Krynnspace."
"I'm lookin' to sail to yer next port o' call," Rae says. "Where it goes from there, we'll see. About how long be the trip?"
"Expecting roughly a week," the sailor says. "If all goes well. The Flow provides a steady current, but no tellin' what might be waiting in the depths o' wildspace."
Rae smiles. A week. She shouldn't miss too many classes if she can find a portal on Krynn. Maybe she could find out more info on wildspace cultural and political groups. Or find out where to get a ship or at least a helm...
"That be soundin' like the perfect amount of time," she said. "What be yer name? and who be our captain?"
"I apologize, good lady. My name is Sandabar Shallowseas, but the men call me 'Sands.' And our captain," he points upward toward the deck of the ship, "is Meldawin Macaw."
Where he points, a man stands, his back to Rae, in proper pirate pants and boots, posting dramatically. His back is broad and muscled, and tufted with feathers, his sinewy arms draped with feathery wings. The wind blows dramatically as he turns to look down at Sands and Rae. And his face... is just flat-out a macaw's face.
"Ahoy, Cap'n" Rae says. "It be me pleasure servin' on yer ship until we reach Krynn. If I may be askin'...are ye an aven? I bet not from this...cosmology I think the orientation papers be calling it...and I wondered if tree be from the same I be from."
The pauses were because Rae was searching for the correct terminology and not because she was admiring the Captain's...plummage. Probably.
Last edited by TonyTempest (5/04/2018 10:31 pm)
"Aven? No, I'm aaracokra. People of the wind."
Sands whispers, "I'm sure ye're thinkin' of those hunched over aaracokra with the vulture faces, but seems there's other sorts."
Rae turns to Sands, "Nay, I never even heard of aarakocra before. But it seems obvious t' me they be similar people with different names. In the Planes where I be from, there be hawk, ibis, owl an' more aven." She looks back to the captain. "Beautiful plumage...."
The captain steps off the side and glides down to the dock. "We're heading for Chislev to trade Shou Lung grains and spices for medicinal herbs native to that world. I've also got Sully scouring the rock for bison we can acquire cheaply, because the harbor master at Chislev tends to up the payment considerably if herd animals are involved."