Lorenzo looks up, peering.
", cloud, some shards of the Ring of Siberys bound to make landfall in the next month, a miniature Roc, remains of L'ugh'ie's rocket chair test that still haven't landed since last winter..."
Last edited by Eshkigal (5/09/2018 6:46 pm)
Frances would pop Artie on the top of his head. "You need to be a better influence to your gang, not a punch of sailors." He said walking over to Maki. "Well, if you still want invisibility I can offer that." He suggested. "Also, your crafting is high on speed and quality, ever thought of opening up a crafts shop? You can build whatever folks want for a price." He asked.
"Ive wanted to i just need a forge instead of a crucible."
"That ain't normal, man," Artie continues. "Where is even the top?"
"Like a kor out of the sky and like a vampire out of the swamp eh artie,thats a sky it goes on maybe even past the boundaries of what is to what may be. Or to put it simply to infinity and beyond."
"Actually, I am pretty sure that most worlds have sky, Artie. Twelve moons and a ring, maybe not so much, but pretty sure sky is consistent given no one else has freaked seeing it. Although if the right moon is close enough, there's stories where airships that accidentally cross into the elemental planes by flying too high. So maybe that range is the top?"
He looks back to Artie, gawking and freaking, before giving a sigh.
"Look, you keep gawking like that and you'll get lost, mate. I mean, I guess you could ride on my other shoulder to keep staring around at things, but you sure you want to be outside Sigil, bud? It only gets weirder for you out there."
"This isn't good," Artie says. "This is just weird." He looks around wildly.
With a sigh, Lorenzo picks up Artie, gently holding him under an arm and noticeably on the opposite side as his belt pouch. Though he does adjust to hold the kitten kid so that he can't see the world around him as much.
"Sorry, Artie. Didn't occur to me it might be jarring to someone who had likely not seen more than Sigil. So we're just going to drop you back off on the other side of the portal, you seem way too freaked out to enjoy things. Okay? You need something to focus on, look at us and try to block out the rest until we get to city pavement. Understand?"
Last edited by Eshkigal (5/10/2018 8:14 pm)
"Maybe next time when you hit puberty eh artie?"
Maki jokes,than she will whisper to frances " he is far braver than most"
Last edited by Sarielvailo (5/10/2018 6:51 pm)
Frances would chuckle and said "I'll admit to that, tyke still owes me a few coin that he took from me too." he whispered but then shook his head. "Ah well, Karma has its way of collecting dept." He said.