Rae walks to the back of the main deck. "Maybe th' navigation room be a good place t' be startin'." She says. She gets to the door on the sterncastle and decides to open it.
Last edited by TonyTempest (5/12/2018 4:35 pm)
Inside the navigation room, maps are laid out, with a compass (the pointy-end/pencil-end kind you draw circles with) atop it, over a freshly drawn circle. A sextant much like the one Lorenzo bought Rae sits near the window on a tripod, and a full but cold cup of coffee sits on a desk to the side.
On the floor is a treasure chest, with a couple of books laying open before it, the only things out of place in this entire room.
Rae walked into the room, flipping through the maps, looking for clues. If any navigation and/or cartography equipment is really good she'll stow it in her satchel. She moves on to examine the sextant, but doesn't swipe it. It's too obvious an item if the shop isn't abandoned. If they salvage it, she thinks she'll come back for it. Then she returns to the chest and books. She says to Hyacinth, "what do you make of these?" She says of the books,even as she begins to examine the chest. She pulls out her lock picks ready to use them if the chest is locked.
perception is 17. Pick locks tool use is
19 but no lockpicking if chest is trapped. That roll would then be disable trap if the same tools are used to disable a trap as picking the lock...
A cursory glance shows no signs of traps on the chest, but as Rae leans in with her picks, just after she asks her question, the chest seems to contort and a tendril slashes out, the wood and metal of the box forming into a more organic substance that swishes in Rae's general direction, missing as she backs away.
"Mimic!" Hycinth declares.
"Ahhh!" Rae shouts in surprise. She scrambles backwards on her butt, kicking the floor with her heels and pushing with her hands. "Why be th' treasure chest tryin' to scuttle me?"
"It's a mimic," Hyacinth says. "They lie in wait, disguised as inanimate objects."
"Ran out o' crew," the mimic says. "Glad ye could drop by."
Rae nods. "Pleasure t' meet ye. I'm glad we could be 'droppin' by' too."
"So, this be yer plan," Rae says, "t' be pretendin' t' be a treasure chest on a ship in th' missle of space and hope someone be droppin' by?" She smiles genuinely, sympathetically. "That must be gettin' very lonely."
"Well, there was a crew here until recently. Probably should have saved the helmsman for later."
Rae nods. "Aye, ye might have thought of that. How did the crew not be knowing ye were here? Ye aren't alone, are ye?"
"Oh, no. Unlike our terrestrial brethren, space mimics are social creatures and travel in groups."