Jookbox stands again, looks Unit in the eyes. "You look familiar, do you know a guy named Two?" Then he burps somehow, reaches behind him, and sits carefully on the arm of the couch.
"Two is my brother. Don't worry, you'll make it out of this alive, I know a great deep oil cleanse place."
"You ought to try this, man. Ish good sshtuff." He feels around, finally picking up a bottle from the floor.
A faint, "Yee-haw!" Is heard from the other room.
Unit recoils. "What? No! By the Traveler, look what she's done to you..."
Sarah blushes as Roxy leads Leo off, a blush that deepens as she hears him shout from the other room. She looks from Jookbox, then back to Unit and says carefully, "Maybe you should try a little? Just for fun?" wanting to make a mental note of the effects it has on him.
Jookbox pours a couple glasses of whatever is in the bottle. "Come on, bud. Ish inshpiration. I can write the first warforged drinking song." He looks to Sarah. "You should probably get one of th' other bottles. This shtuff's 75% kerosene."
Sarah nods slowly and says, "Yeah, I figured..." She looks at the other bottles around, giving them all a fairly careful inspection. You never know, after all.
There are several bottles, labeled rather clearly for the most part: "good Scotch" "Better Scotch" "utter swill" "rum" "vodka" "Potion of Quick Sobriety" "Shit will fuck you up" and "?; ask Trish later"
Sarah gingerly sets the ? bottle and the 'fuck you up' bottle down and returns to the rum, picking it up and asking Jook, "Hey, you got any soda?"