The door to the hallway slams open, and a middle-aged, bearded man, face red with rage, bursts in. He wears a pendant of a gorgon's head (the bull-kind) and spittle flies from his mouth as he shouts. "THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ON THAT STAGE, WITH THE PRESS FROM SIX PLANES, INCLUDING EVERY MAJOR CITY IN KHORVAIRE OUT THERE! WHAT IS GOING ON!!??"
Unit immediately points at the room Roxy was (presumably) still in. "She's in there, punish her vigorously."
The man storms across the room, flinging the door open, stares a moment, then quietly closes it. "HOST DAMN IT ALL!" He takes a deep breath. "Somebody find that Host-forsaken band and tell them they're on."
Sarah's eyes fill with stars as she sees the man and asks quickly, "Oh! Professor Merrix! While you're here, can I talk to you about some designs?"
When Merrix fails to become angry enough to cause Roxy physical Harm, Unit takes matter into his own hands. "*Ahem,* as I said before, DIE OPPRESSOR!" He charges Merrix, soul blade high.
Merrix looks at Sarah, his rage somewhat subsiding. "Designs? What are--"
And then Unit rips into him with his soulblades, tearing a large furrow through cloak and flesh. "Egads, you fool construct!" He whips out a wand and lightning arcs forth, ripping into Unit. And the liquor cabinet. And the wall behind it. (um... 40 lightning damage, DC 15 dex save for half)
Sarah winces as Merrix blasts Unit, eventually muttering quietly to herself, "Shoulda seen that coming..." before replying to Merrix, "Sorry about him. Anyways, designs, right?"
Unit is nearly killed by the lightning, blasted back against the wall, leaving a trail of burnt parts. "You'll g-g-ggget what's cooooooming Merrix. I h-have et-t-t-ternity, you die a little more every d-day."
"Oh god he's still alive..."
The searing sizzle of lightning brings Leo back out, his pants barely on and the rest of his clothes entirely missing.
"What the sam hill was --, damn, Unit!" He runs to the warforged's side. "You okay, buddy?"