Marty thought that over. She was practically broke, and who really cared about some silly drakes or hell kitties? On the other hand, she both liked and feared Jennifer. Girl literally had pull down below.
"We can probably buy what we need at Bad Max's." She finally decided. "I mean - he may ask for something astronomical, or he could give us cash for taking some critter off his hands. Point is, there's gotta be something in our budget there."
Mitzi curls her lip. "Okay. We'll do it your way. Bad Max's it is." She shoots Kel a look, the takes the lead.
Kel smiles at Marty. "She takes a minute to warm up to."
"Well, we could go out into planespace to capture beasties in the wild, if that's your thing." She replies to the lip curl. "Your call. I really don't know what sort of creatures you want."
She smirked back at Kel's smile. "All the interesting people are that way."
Mitiz, Marty and Kel arrive at Bad Max's. Immediately, the immense frog person greets them. "Hey, kids. What can I get for ya? Kittens are fresh, and the steaks are playful."
"Got anything with attitude? And a bite?" Marty asked hopefully.
"My wife," Max says, and laughs for far too long. "But seriously, I just got in some crocoducks. And a manticore cub."
Marty had met Max's wife, and she seemed nice. A bit gullible, but nice. She didn't laugh.
"What do you think Mitzi?" She asked. "Would either of those work?"
"Let's go for the crocoducks. The crowds love weird. Just remember, when we register at the fights, those are yours."
"Uh. What the hell am I going to do with crocoducks after this is over?" Marty wondered. "How much?" She asked Max. "And you got any missions? Preferably to places were we might find battle pets?"
"Crocoducks? 7 million each." He scratches his chin. "Although, I did get a special request for a puppy-sized elephant recently. I could see a trade if you knew where to get one of them."