Frances' jaw would unhing a bit as he looked like the aetherial gears in his head were turning and then held up a finger. "Wait...wait hold on...there's...a card game based on an actual realm...then...wait..." He would seem to be having a small melt down processing what was going on. "Does that mean...there's a game for all of our realms? Are all just pieces of some other game and what not?" he asked.
Maki would hug frances and whisper.
"I am truly for the first time in a long time both terrified and excited."
Trish pauses. "I'm pretty sure the card game is just based on the multiverse of Dominaria. Like Monopoly is based on out-of-control capitalism. It didn't invent it." She pulls a card in a hard plastic shell out of her pack. "I mean, I have Urza's autograph. He couldn't have created himself. Wait... could he?"
"Yes yes he could, if nahiri can forge hedrons to imprison eldrazi he could make himself, or the notion of himself known to other universes.........he was preparing others for war.
By nahiris forge thats brilliant,send it out as a game so all planes in every reality know how to stop the eldrazi."
"Seems more likely different realms get glimpses of each other, no matter the wards that separate them. Could be something to research."
" it is a thought one id like to forget for now if id be so kind id like some hard alchol please mama lorenzo."
Lorenzo shakes his head quickly, eyes bugging out a bit.
"No, no you don't, you don't want to drink the hard stuff you want the light, warmblood safe stuff here, like scumble."
"Thank you lorenzo i figure ill drink and think on this later with a newfound appreciation."
Frances would shake out of his little spill as he would pull out his bottle as he said "Yea, I could use a drink myself." He said, opening it up a bit and taking a good drink as he plugged it back in and stored it away.
" to new adventures and better friends." Maki will call for a toast