It took me forever to settle on bard, and then suddenly there's four of us. I'm glad I also decided to be a cowboy!
I was giving serious thought to Fighter, because in 5e they have top tier DPR and tanking at all levels, but Unit began as a psychic warrior, so that is what he remains, in spirit if not in class.
Same - Doraad started out as a Fighter, but I felt like I needed good intellectual stats to justify who he was and then slowly but surely Wizard just felt more compelling on a storytelling basis.
Huh, well then, this is interesting. And yes, Frances is a male skeleton, well as far as anyone knows as of now, a very thin male humanoid.
Hey, I noticed Hano doesn't have a roommate. DM, is this intentional or just an oversight? (I'm not mad or anything, just curious.)
Magentamist wrote:
Hey, I noticed Hano doesn't have a roommate. DM, is this intentional or just an oversight? (I'm not mad or anything, just curious.)
So far, leaving space open to see if anybody else pops in.
Come Monday, I'll decide what we have is our core, and I'll fill in empty spaces with NPCs. (They just didn't arrive on the first day of Beginnings.)
WoodrowLand wrote:
Huh, well then, this is interesting. And yes, Frances is a male skeleton, well as far as anyone knows as of now, a very thin male humanoid.
I wondered about that room assignment for a bit before remembering the introductory story and Mr. Roper. Should be interesting.
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