"Wouldn't you?" She asked the more belligerent of the elves. "I mean, if you never saw one, wouldn't you want to see them?" She asked, slowly getting more excited as she spoke. "I mean, tiny elephants! I'll be awesome!" Clasped her hands together in front of her chest and did a little rise to tiptoe, which was more difficult than she expected in the platform boots.
"Pluh-eeze can we see them?" She asked in her best wheedling young girl tones. Of course, she never had the opportunity to practice the technique on her daddy growing up, so she might not have done it right.
The two elves share glances, then one says. "Just steer clear of our village, and we won't poke you with our pointy sticks. The minimal forest is around that way." He gives some directions which seem easy to follow, but are punctuated frequently with 'Stay away from our village.'
Marty shares glances with Mitzi, Blue, and the Pixie. "So, the village then?" She asked.
Do they have tiny elephants or just tiny elves?
"We're on a timeline," Mitzi says. "We don't have time to--"
"Let's fuck with elves!" Kel declares. "To the village!"
Marty thought it over. "I actually do want to see the miniature animals." She decided. "We can mess with the villagers after."
Be easier to see the tiny elephants without elves being elfy and annoying. The hamster produces a tiny safari hat from hammerspace and dons it. I hope I still have that cowboy hat.
Last edited by Blue (6/09/2018 12:07 pm)
"Right then. On our way, then?" Mitzi immediately starts leading the way without waiting for confirmation.
Hooray for adventure! So why are you guys looking for tiny elephants anyways?
"We need to bring one to Max to pay for a crocoduck I can register in the monster fights. So Mitzi can... uh.." Somewhat taken aback at hearing the plan spelled out that way, she added.
"You know, at this point all I want is to see the tiny elephants."