"That depends entirely on who is being stabbed. Just last night I stabbed a department head."
There is a brief moment of silence, then Ragnara says, "Ooooooh. You're THAT warforged."
"I see my infamy precedes me. Some day I will be powerful enough to kill Merrix, rather then merely wound him. Hence, classes."
"I'm surprised you're alive," Ragnara continues. "I'd heard they were using your head as an ashtray in the artifice teacher's lounge."
"I'd heard you were expelled and banished to the Demiplane of Imprisonment until the Sovereign Host took pity on you, which is unlikely because Eberronian cosmology doesn't include the Demiplane of Imprisonment."
"Well it pains me to admit it, but my father's position as a professor here probably prevented my ejection. A favor I doubt I can use again. So I will need to hurry up and attain ultimate power before my next attack."
"Good luck with that," Portland says. "I've got Superior Teleportation in ten minutes. Catch you at lunch?" he asks Ragnara, then vanishes.
"If you haven't pledged BBEG," Ragnara says, "you really should consider it."
"I have, actually. Some fool named Bargle hates me, so I must be doing something right. I believe my first class is Force Effects 101."
"I think that's two doors down," Ragnara says. "Just past the water fountain. Nice talking to you."
"And you. Don't forget, you're better than everyone you meet that's not me." Unit heads for class.
Unit arrives at class, where the classroom (not a lecture hall, but a standard size classroom) is only about half-full because the Mystic major is currently still in open Beta. No one immediately stands to recognize his brilliance.