The bullywug considers. "Nobody in my family hads goes to school before. I lord it over them brothers when go home for holidays."
The pouch has 75 gold in it. Probably not enough to buy a ring of jumping.
“What if we named it Grung?” t’Nee muses at no one in particular. ”I could acknowledge it then, I think. Maybe. I’d have to ask Wastri, but it seems like just the kind of self deception that he’d approve of.”
"Good idea! Is that okay with you?" Shiori asks the bullywug. "I know you've probably got a name already, but nobody's said it onscreen yet, so..."
"Grung?" The bullywug frowns. "'Grung' is bullywug word for 'obnoxious pissant.' What it means in Common?"
”I should have anticipated that problem,” t’Nee muses.
”What about a strong Grung name, instead of “Grung” being the name. What about “t’Oad?”
"That good name. Is like what name Marleybarley calls us. 'Toad-Eee.' Is confusing that all us are same name."
t'Nee looks at the Bullywug for the first time, and introduces himself. "Hi t'Oad, I'm t'Nee!"
By this time, the group is back at Biggs Tallman's hermit hut. t'Nee offers to trade the remaining 4 silvers to Biggs in return for a pair of children's aviator's goggles that Biggs has collected for convenient plot purposes.
"And I'm Shiori!" Eeeeeeee, runs Shiori's internal monologue. Basic civility! One small step for ninja, one giant leap for amphibian-kind!
"And I'm Biggs Tallman," Biggs says, "burliest fellow in... burliest... I guess I'm a halfling now. In the whole o' this swamp." He hands over the goggles. "Don't reckon that mud-boy I built is ever gonna come to life, so he don't need these anyway."
t'Nee hugs Biggs goodbye, updates his Avatar Image, and leads the group back to the Suzail portal
Last edited by Sol (6/14/2018 3:51 pm)