Disappointing. Unit enters the room, surveying his competition that will soon learn to accede to his might, and finds a prominent place to stand that they may look upon their better.
A rather tall woman who is probably assumed to be human by most of the class, but whom Unit is pretty certain is Kalashtar, enters and strides to the front of the room.
"Force effects," she says. "I'll bore you with the theories and lectures later. Right now, I'm sure some of you are natural talents. Anyone care to demonstrate?"
Unit promptly levitates the teacher's chair. "Like that?"
"Exactly that," she says. "Now, according to Everett's theses on mind over matter, you'll find..." she begins scratching symbols and equations on the board, explaining Everett's thesis as she goes.
A dromite beside Unit rolls his eyes. "Wake me when she says something I care about."
"Sure thing." Unit resolves not to wake him at all, instead taking prodigious notes on everything the teacher says. "Excuse me, but could you tell us the ways Mystic telekinesis is superior to that of normal magic?"
"Well, as with any psionic talent, although the mystic has a limited well of power to draw on at any given time, unlike most spellcasters, that well of power isn't committed to a particular task. You haven't 'memorized' telekinesis, only to lost that memory after a usage. If it's a discipline you know, as long as you have energy available, that energy can be put to your telekinesis. Beyond that, the versatility is a concern. You have multiple effects you can use by mastering force, without each of those effects being a so-called "spell" you have to fire and forget. I could also bring up psionics and anti-magic fields, but that's a lecture for later in the semester."
Unit nods, still taking notes. He wanted to ask more questions about psionics compared to magic but that would have to wait for another class with other subject matter.
The lecture goes on, at the end of which Professor Dandra says, "Those of you who have me for your lab will see these ideas in practice; hopefully if you have someone else for lab, the same applies. Meanwhile, I am giving you advance warning that this lecture class is, in fact, a lecture class, and will be requiring a term paper. I'd encourage you to begin considering topics."
Unit already knows his topic. The inherent superiority of psionics over magic. When class ends, he approaches the teacher. "Excuse me Professor, but have you ever had occasion to come into conflict with wizards? I'd very much like to know about how our abilities compare to theirs directly."
"If you mean Academic conflict," she says, "yes, many times. The argument often comes down to the advantage of harnessing internal forces versus shaping external forces, although they generally end up taking the stance that the sheer raw power they can shape is superior to the fine-tuned perfection we aspire to. The same argument sorcerers use right away, but you have to wear a wizard down to admit magic is a blunt instrument not a precision tool.
"If you mean direct, confrontational conflict... yes, man times."