Sarah draws a couple extra tiles as well and thinks, laughing at Waya's joke as she does, before eventually laying down, "Right. Uh...How about...Um...A, I, S, and E off the R? For Raise?"
The game goes on a bit longer, before Volka and a couple of the other sisters enter. Volka pulls up a big chair and sits cross-legged, chewing on a piece of jerky. "If this is going to stay at this level, just deal me in."
"That's not how this game works."
Sarah shrugs and says, "I mean it's a scoring game right? If you wanna take some tiles and play I guess that's alright? You're just not gonna win."
Volka cracks her knuckles and grabs some tiles.
"Lookit that. That S lines up with that S, so I can just slip A, U in here and A,G,E... Sausage on a double word..."
"Are all your words going to be meat products?"
Sarah laughs, a little embarrassed at Volka scoring a ton on her first word, but adds, "Yeah, probably. I bet she's got J, R, K, and Y in her hand too."
Volka nibbles on her jerky knowingly as she waits for Waya to put down a word.
Waya stares at her letters. "Okay, I can play 'Eagle' off your E." She pauses for a moment. "You really do have J,R,K,Y, don't you?"
Sarah laughs and touches a finger to her forehead, saying, "I guess I'm psychic huh? Maybe I should take some psionics classes."
"Oh!" Volka says, turning on diagonal to face Sarah. "Let's try." She closes her eyes. "Tell me what I'm thinking."
Sarah turns to face Volka and makes a show of focusing, eventually saying, "Uh...Either meat, or me and Waya. Or both. It's a little fuzzy."
"Uncanny," Volka says. "It's like you're right inside my head."
"Well," Waya says with a grin, "you are a woman of many talents."