"Aye...look outward an' be lookin' inward," Rae says as the Lotus guides her into the classroom. After Anissa cheers, Rae says "Wait, belay that!" To Tika, "D'ye not want to be hearin' o' me spelljammin' voyage to Krynn?"
Tika pauses. "I didn't know you had a spelljamming voyage to Krynn. But certainly, I'd like to hear it."
"Aye," Rae says. "I be hearin' o' spelljammin' so I be goin' on a quest t' learn more about this wonderful mode of travelin'." And so she relates the tale of her spelljamming adventures, the space mimic, the inteloper on Chislev, Mei Ling and the trip to Palanthus. Which was actually still only a few hours ago. Finally she sums up, "So I worry that me swordsmanship be not ship-shape as I keep talkin' me foes out o' fightin'. Now, don't think I be hangin' the jib about that... That be the siren nature, I be thinkin' everyone be me crew... I be only worryin' about the time someone don't wish to be me friend. So don't be givin' me no quarter on make-up work with me cutlass."
"Well, this is a practical course, so the only way to make it up, really, is to get with one of the other students and practice. Unless Anissa wants to tutor you?"
"Oh, Aye," Rae says, "That be a bonnie idea! Shiver me timbers! Would ye help me come about an' chase the rest o' the class?"
"I'll chase as you wish," Anissa says, slyly, "but you'll need someone else to shiver your timbers."
"I do be havin' a few people in mind f'r that," Rae winks.
"Well, it shall wait," Anissa says, "for we have grand adventure ahead. But... it needn't wait too long."
"Then ye be leadin', matey," Rae says, "I be in yer hands. Where do ye want t' be headin'?"
She scratches her chin. "You're in a freshman class, so you probably haven't had 'Dueling on a tightrope' yet. I doubt you get 'dueling while ascending a spiral staircase' until later in the semester... Possibly we'll start with the basics."