"Friend not food chi chi, "
Lorenzo lumbers over, giving a wave to Jaro and Maki.
"Not Athasian, but looks that way. Nice meeting you."
"Halfling not food," Chi-Chi says, narrowing her eyes at Maki.
"Well, that's good to know," Jaro says.
" well unless i can get an athasian translator im going to be introuble, so lotenzo meet jaro barbarians can be smart to right."
"Hey Jaro. Yeah, they can be, just most tend towards less booklearned and more general wisdom or oral traditions. Speaking of, been trading meat cuts for Athasian lessons, and Chi-Chi is rather eloquent in her native tongue from what little I can understand so far."
Though he glances over to Chi-Chi at that.
"Aw, that include me too still?"
Last edited by Eshkigal (6/19/2018 12:56 am)
" in truth i assume athasia has intresting beasts to hunt."
"Oh, I know," Jaro says, "but I want to barbarian the right way. Grunting and smashing and minimal use of pronouns. Authentic barbarianing."
Lorenzo sticks his tongue out at that.
"Got eleven siblings that do it that way. Trust me, being Conan is better than being dumb muscle."
" preaaaaach it lorenzo, testify nerd rage is the truest rage."
Chi-Chi catches one word among Lorenzo's last sentence and frowns. "Dumb? Noz dumb!" She puts an arm around Jaro. "Halfling! Noz dumb!"