"...Indeed. Anyway, any records or accounts you have would be appreciated. It's for my term paper. Also for vengeance!"
"Aye, vengeance. At's ers good er reason as any I can think. Follow me." He leads Unit to an upper floor, deep into the Psionics stacks.
Unit follows, amazed there are even this many books about psionics.
"Lessee. 'A Theoretical Comparison of Mind Magic to Book Magic,' 'Psionic Mastery in a World of Arcanity,' oh here we go, 'Beating Wizards at Their Own Game: A Guide to Psionic Superiority.' Dass a good 'un."
"Now that's a good title. Thank you, I should get to studying." Unit takes the book and goes back downstairs,. Now you're in for it, Cannith, and your little slattern too! Hahahahaha!
"You enjoy 'at!" the dwarf shouts back at Unit. "Assa good 'un, that is!"
Unit leaves the library, ready to begin his journey to unlimited power!
((exit obligatory class thread)