"Seems more like another sorta Owlbear situation, to me. I mean, we got fluff raptors, sleek raptors, and scale raptors, put them next to a bird and the resemblance is uncanny."
He points to a series of cages where a tame, fluffy, orange velociraptor keeps wok woking at people passing, a similar sibling puffed up to take up an entire little hiding hole, then to a cage full of sleeker raptors that seems to hiss at anyone that comes near and claw at stuff. Then to the fully scaled and small pack of turkey sized raptors that are currently trying to pierce the hide of a macro tardigarde to no success.
"Though from how I understand it, that's also a case of selective breeding, like most species of dog."
"Iheardthatowlbearswere createdbyarootbeercompanyfor advertisingpurposesbutIdon't knowthatforsureIjusthearditfrom thisguywhoIusedtohangoutwithbut I'mprettysurecrocoduckshavenothing todowithrootbeer..."
"Still artificially made, mate. Anyway, we have your crocoduck to find, how long ago did you last see it?"
"RightbeforeIgotlockedinhere probablyaboutfiveminutesago I'dsayitcouldn'thavegottenfarbut Idon'tknowhowfastcrocoduckscanfly cancrocoducksevenflyIhadn'tthoughtaboutthatbefore..."
"I'll see if I can't pick up the trail, shouldn't be too cold..."
Lorenzo lumbers around, looking for it, and even making a rather poor imitation of the cry the crocoducks keep making.
Although it isn't clear if Fiv's is among them, Lorenzo's crocoduck call causes several crocoducks to fall in step behind him.
Lorenzo keeps them together as he heads towards Fiv, looking to the little gnome.
"Well, apparently they think I'm their Ma, now. Any of them yours?"
Litharos comes out of nowhere, "Hey is this where i was suppose to go for a job?.."
"ohwowtheyalllooksomuchalikeandI onlyboughtmineafewminutesagobut I'mnotsureIguessthatone?Maybe I..." Fiv jumps and scream when Litharos appears out of nowhere.
Lorenzo jumps a bit at that too, but doesn't scream or hiss at him at least.
"Bloody Khyber, where'd you come from, Litharos? But answering your question, yeah. The bugs would be in back."