Exhausted after what felt like 3 days of classes, t'Nee hops lazily through the common room window, landing on Billen.
"Dude! You're a monk, right? You missed literally all of our classes today. Have you just been laying here on the floor?"
Saccha smiles. "I'm glad it helps. Honestly, it's best to treat the more adverse side effects when itcomes to every day isssues. Nobody but the body heals itself quite as well. Well, aside from holy healers."
Panic makes Billen immune to poison as he sits up suddenly. "Ah! I must have lost track of time! They gave me a calendar in my orientation packet, but I donated it to charity!"
Sarah knocks on Neil's door, waiting with a slightly disturbingly large grin on her face, having had an idea and wanting to advertise for it.
The door opens and Neil hovers in the door. "Well, howdy there! Super to see you. Do you need advice or... other things I'm trained for as a resident assistant? Or do you want to make some s'mores because by golly, I sure have a hankerin' for some of those tasty things."
Sarah blinks f or a moment as she considers the implications of other things but quickly returns to her worrisome cheer as she says, "I want to have a fireworks festival for Midsummer! What do I need to do to advertise? And...Get permission I suppose."
"Oh. Well, you'd have to see the Student Council about getting a permit and signing off on a public area. The quad in the Green Campus probably. Advertising would be easy enough. Every building's got bulletin boards and there's several just around the main paths through campus. So the main problem, I guess, would just be getting the Student Council president to process your approval." He frowns a bit. "I mean, Maddie likes festivals, so it shouldn't be... too difficult."
Maki will come back after crafters club sit on the couch in the main area and just sew and alter her cheer outfit to fit her better. She says rather dejectedly "their should be a cheer thing going on soon i may have forgot though."
Sarah nods and asks, "Right. Do you know how I'd go about petitioning them for permission?"
"Just go to the student union, top floor, and ask for a form," Neil says. "It's a super cinch. I had a beholder meet-up last semester for... I don't think there are any other beholder students on campus, but by golly, I had myself a good time."