"Ithinkthisone'smine," Fiv says, "IguessI'lltakehimhomenow althoughwhatIreallywanted wasagiantspacehamsterbutMax saysthere'satradeembargoongiantspacehamstersinSigil soIguessIcan'tgetoneofthosebut thisisjustasgoodkindof."
"Very good...heh... very good...also sorry..didn't mean to startle ya.."
"At's the one," Max says, picking up crocoducks and handing them to people. He quickly switches out the one that Fiv has picked up and gives him another. "This'un's yours, little guy." He glances at Litharos. "Did I hear ya askin' about a job?"
Lorenzo nods.
"Just as well, from what I heard you don't choose a giant space hamster, the giant space hamster chooses you, anyway."
Lorenzo gives a nod to Max.
"Litharos is a druid major too, so could be useful."
Once Fiv's sorted, Lorenzo collects more cages to bring back, though he takes a moment to let Chi-Chi out of a now vacant one Max had tried feeding chimera steak.
Max scratches his head. "Yeah, I guess I kin use a druid. Jus', y'know, I can't hire too many folk. I don't make a lot of money... or maybe I make a whole lot of money. I'm not too good at money."
As Chi-Chi leaves the cage, she jumps as an invisible something snatches the steak out of her hand and drag it back inside.
"Any spare change will be good for now, nice to meet ya sir.."
Lorenzo chuckles at the response.
"Gotta not go in the displacer kitten cage, Chi-Chi."
He hooks a thumb towards a multilegged cat that seems to be phasing through the bars of the next cage over, then heads back to wash the cages.
Max glances at Litharos, scratching his bulbous, froggy chin. "So what kinda druidin' do you do? I got a wide range o' pets whats need care, an' even a sharp mind like mine has to work extra hard to keep everything straight. The kid over there is good with straight up carnivores, but keepin' track of bunnies need lettuce and sheep need grass an' hamsters get hamster chow and giant albino dung beetles need dung... actually that one's easy enough, 'cause it makes waste disposal easy. 'Cept for the dung beetle waste."
Speaking of which, Lorenzo seems to be scraping the crocoduck droppings into the albino dung beetle pens.
"Hey, don't overfeed them things. I don't want a repeat of last week's toxic cloud incident."