RC opens the door and waves. "Hey, what's up?"
The hamster stands up on its hind legs and waves. Yep! It's me. Hi! I'm Blue. I'm a psionic miniature giant space hamster. Or that's what we always said anyways in 1.0. I like hats and fire so fireworks sound awesome! The hamster leaps up onto Sarah's shoulder.
Marty approaches the door of her room with caution. She pauses, listens, feels the door for vibrations, and even then hesitates to open the portal. There was no telling what Gear had built in there.
Sarah waves to RC and says, "Wanna go on an adventure to the library? I need to pick something up from the 'Forbidden Stacks'" She makes air quotes, "Whatever that means. I figured I'd need an actual party instead of trying to solo it. You up for it?"
"Oh yeah," RC says, ducking back into their room. "I've been wanting to check out the forbidden stacks, but I never had a forbidden stacks pass. Let me get my gear."
The door opens in front of Marty and Gear tries to lean out, stopping short of bumping into Marty. "Did somebody call me?"
"Stuff," RC corrects. "My stuff."
Oh! It's Gear! Hi Gear! You're different now! Haven't seen you since that one thread with the things and the stuff. Do you like being a gnome? How's that N treating you? Whatcha building now? The hamster seems pleased to see her.
"Say what?" Marty asks, not having heard this call that her roommate seemed to hear through the door. But then, she hadn't been eavesdropping on the conversation down the hall either. She wasn't sure what to make of Blue's rambles - after all he'd called her Pembe earlier, and that made no sense at all.
She peeked past Gear to see if the room seemed safe. "I see my bed is still there." She observed. "That's a plus from last time anyway."
Turning to RC, she waved. "Hey RC, what do you need your stuff for?"
"We're going to the library to find a book in the Lost Stacks," RC calls. "It's supposed to be really intense back there. Supposedly, students have gone in and never come back, but that's probably an urban legend."
Gear seems puzzled by Blue's greeting until a certain sentence hits her, then she smiles. "Being a gnome is AWESOME! I mean, it's not like I had a lot of choice, but even if I could choose, I'd probably gnome all over the place, because it's great. Anyway, I'm building an emergency chute to the first floor in case of fire or something. I'm getting a little resistance from the people downstairs, but I told them they could use it."
" gear no field tests till we get back, also make sure theirs enough for all of us plus bitey please."
Sarajh nods and says, "Yeah! Wanna come? The more the merrier."