"oi, thank ye, Leo, I be seein' 'em real good now," Rae says and fires her brand new officer's sidearm.
22 to hit, 8 gun damage, 6 sneak attack for 14
"Any time, darlin," says Leo. He begins whistling a little tune for t'Nee while launching one of his shiny new crossbow bolts at the wounded ghoul.
t'Nee gets Bardic Inspiration. Leo rolls a 15 to hit and 8 damage.
Last edited by Akodo Rokku (7/13/2018 8:35 pm)
"Holy Bardic Lore Leo! You know the Frog theme!? How are you whistling it without a whistle-stick?" t'Nee croaks, very impressed. "You're such an inspiration!" He does not mention how much of inspiration Jaskin's pretty face is, but does wink at the elf before pulling his pilot goggles down and leaping into the air towards the remaining ghoul.
He lands hard, fully impaling the ghoul with his spear, then pushes off of the ghoul, doing a dramatic backflip into the air, catching the ghoul on its jaw with both feet, yanking the spear back out of its body, sailing through the air, and landing back where he started by the door. He puts the spear back on his back, pulls out his whistle-stick, and plays along with Leo.
He's not as good as Leo, but he knows the song, at least.
Spear Attack: 27 CRIT, 13 piercing damage, 8 more poison damage in the very unlikely event that the ghoul isn't immune/resistant to poison.
Flurry of Blows attacks at 20 and 21, after spending Bardic Inspiration and rolling a 6 to turn a 14 into the 20. 7 and 6 bludgeoning damage, respectively.
Last edited by Sol (7/13/2018 9:14 pm)
"At least ye ain't playin' the bag pipes," Rae grins.
"What's wrong with bagpipes?" t'Nee asks cautiously. "Was I not good?"
"It was worse than the poison, honestly," Jaskin replies.
Last edited by Sol (7/13/2018 9:40 pm)
Leo shrugs off the poison and the high five turns into this.
(And then Leo starts looking around the room for anything interesting with a 20 Perception.)
Last edited by Akodo Rokku (7/13/2018 11:36 pm)
Both ghouls down easily. A quick perusal of the room suggests that it was once the foyer of a draconic temple at some point before it became an adventure site, then a tourist attraction, and now a den of death and ghouls. There are a couple of unimpressive (though silver) collection plates amidst the rubble.
Leo also notices that the ghouls have the remains of pale blue polo shirts on. He can make out the word "staff" on one of their lapels.
Rae takes a moment to sketch out the room on the map she's working on in her journal. She notices the "staff" uniform on one of the ghouls. "So the gift shop be ransacked, an' the staff be turned into scavenging ghouls. Oi, Trivia, be this what ye expected on this voyage?"