" or better idea i go with blue to make sure, he doesnt bur. Anything. Unless do you think this might raise his tuition if i let him burn it all."
As RC walks along, they start sketching out some plans for a Blue-mobile, while somehow keeping the car going straight with a thumb.
The further into the Lost Stacks party goes, the darker and more menacing the shelves look, looming over them, seeming to lean into them like a fish-eye lens. A couple of the books sound like they're laughing, and another seems to sob quietly to itself. A fourth has the hiccups.
Then they reach the door to the Deep Lost Stacks, chains covering it and fire seeming to leak in from underneath. The gnome from the desk is standing here, but with a different shirt and a different colored hat. "Who dares seek the Deep Lost Stacks?" His voice is pitch adjusted toward a deep bass and has a lot of reverb.
Marty shifts slightly behind Sarah, and then shoves her forward.
" ooooooh hello sir," maki will wave.
The gnome nods at Maki's greeting but keeps his grumpy face on.
Sarah nods and mutters, "Right..." before stepping forwards as she's propelled by Marty's nudge and says, "Me. I seek..." She pauses, checking a small note she's made herself, "A copy of 'Application and Acquisition of Student Event Planning- 4th MacGuffin edition.' I don't suppose you'd have that in stock?"
"Oh, aye. You'll find that and more past this door. But be warned." The doors swing open, revealing a room that looks not unlike depictions of Hell, if Hell were depicted as a library. "The rows are not safe for the weak of heart and the organization is haphazard at best. And only by facing your greatest fear can you find what you most seek."
There's a recycled line if I ever heard one. Man, Trivia's head would probably explode if she came in here. And there's probably no concessions. I'm hungry. We should get this over with so there can be explosions and snacks.
An unseen mage hand pilfers something edible off the gnome, and hands it to Blue.
Sarah squints at the Gnome for a moment, then at the library, and finally says, "Right. Inwards and onwards I suppose." She gingerly steps over the threshold and heads inside, looking around to try to get an idea for just how haphazard the organization actually is.