" this isnt that unorganized, it looks alot like how i think."
(That was an excellent line, and now Maki gets advantage on Perception and Investigation checks)
The books lie on shelves in piles, or spine up, or pages outward. Some look like they might toppled off the shelf at any time, so precariously balanced on the edge they are.
Deeper in the Deep Lost Stacks, a group of dretches toss books haphazardly into a firepit.
The hamster chomps noisily and messily, somehow generating more crumbs than there was initial food.
Maki will begin to investigate whether or not this is the right path for sarahs book.
Glancing around, Maki almost immediately spots the title they're looking for in the pile of books being thrown into the firepit.
Maki will run at her highest speed."What what what no knowledge is sacred."
Sarah follows Maki, though for a rather more selfish reason as she shouts, "Hey! Leave that book alone!"
Blue darts past both women and hops up to the edge of the firepit. This fire looks boring. We should kick it up a notch.
Marty fades back into the stacks and circles around. to come toward the fire from another angle. The unexpected was always good, right? That is if surprise was on your side.
The dretches look at the rushing group defiantly, and the one holding the book hurls it fireward.