I dunno, libraries tend not to like when you set their employees on fire.
"Fine, whatever," a dretch says, picking up a large book entitled 'The Complete Library of Alexandria, vol. 1' and tossing it fireward.
Marty found a seat on a pile of books not far from the action, and watched things play out. The Library of Alexandria... that sounded vaguely familiar. But after a moment she shook her head. Nope, no associations came to mind.
It looked like Sarah got her book though, so maybe they'd get out of here without incident.
Maki will flip off the dretchs and take a seat.
Sarah examines the book as she listens to the Dretches, at the same time trying to figure out the state the book is in as well as deciding what her next course of action is. Eventually, she stows the book in her bag, and asks the dretches, "But is that your job? Or should you be doing something else? I can't imagine Mordenkainen would be too happy about this."
"There's book demons in every library," the dretch says, flipping Maki off right back. "You look for a book, the catalog says they have it but it's not there. Nobody's checked it out? Where is it? Book demons." He chuckles. "Oh, Mordenkainen hates book demons. That's why our base of operation is here." Some more dretches arrive through a portal, with handfuls of other books from other libraries.
Sarah glances at the party, then back at the dretches, then back and smiles at Maki, saying, "Good. I was worried I wouldn't be able to have some fun today. Sneak attack!" As she says that, she draws and fires her pistol, aiming at the lead dretch.
" kill the vile destroyers of knowledge."
The lead dretch's head utterly explodes. Immediately, the others rush into the stacks. (Fleeing? Seeking cover to attack back? Hard to say)