Sigil Prep class of 5e

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7/24/2018 7:29 pm  #201

Re: True Adventure

Rae looks at the statue. "Be it Nicol Bolas?" She shrugs.  "I never be seein' him, but I've heard quite a bit about him.  Him be powerful enough t' be scarin' even th' Planeswalker."

Last edited by TonyTempest (7/25/2018 8:58 am)

Rae Quetzali 3rd Level Rogue/ 1st Level Bard. Still a Parrot Pirate

7/24/2018 9:18 pm  #202

Re: True Adventure

Jennifer took a glace at the statue. She wasn't precisely a dragon expert, but having a fiendish red dragon for a half-brother did mean that there were a few extracurricular classes taken in the family, and besides, the cult of Tiamat was classified as a NIH faith (Not Immediately Hostile) by Asmodeus's faithful.

((History = 17))


7/26/2018 12:48 pm  #203

Re: True Adventure

t'Nee examines the dragon statue, looking for a plaque. 

t'Nee, lvl 3 Grung Monk, Way of the Tiny Dancer, SP
Miles, FFH
Seabeard, lvl 2 Dwarf Barbarian, Pirates

7/26/2018 4:44 pm  #204

Re: True Adventure

The dragon does not seem noteworthy to Jennifer; it's just a red dragon. However, t'Nee finds a plaque that reads "Our Patron, Ashardalon, Mightiest of Dragons, Heart of the Demon, Destroyer of Small Villages, Recurring Backstory Element. (see reverse for riddle)"


7/26/2018 10:33 pm  #205

Re: True Adventure

t’Nee cautiously ponders how one might attempt to flip a plaque, and then does so.

t'Nee, lvl 3 Grung Monk, Way of the Tiny Dancer, SP
Miles, FFH
Seabeard, lvl 2 Dwarf Barbarian, Pirates

7/26/2018 11:18 pm  #206

Re: True Adventure

Leo prods at the door, seeing how difficult it is to open.

     Thread Starter

7/26/2018 11:40 pm  #207

Re: True Adventure

Rae continues to add to her hand drawn map in her journal, adding a competent drawing of the dragon statue to the cartography of this room.

Rae Quetzali 3rd Level Rogue/ 1st Level Bard. Still a Parrot Pirate

7/26/2018 11:46 pm  #208

Re: True Adventure

Leo finds no means by which to open the door.
Meanwhile, t'Nee's fiddling results in the removal of the plaque. At the same time, the dragon statue speaks:
"We come at night without being fetched; we disappear by day without being stolen."
The same riddle is written on the back of the plaque, after the words "In case Magic Mouth spell fails to deploy, please read the following:"


7/27/2018 8:18 am  #209

Re: True Adventure

"It be the stars," Rae says. "The stars be right, aye?"

Rae Quetzali 3rd Level Rogue/ 1st Level Bard. Still a Parrot Pirate

7/27/2018 12:31 pm  #210

Re: True Adventure

”Oh. Yeah, probably. Stars make more sense than Jackalweres.” t’Nee admits reluctantly.

t'Nee, lvl 3 Grung Monk, Way of the Tiny Dancer, SP
Miles, FFH
Seabeard, lvl 2 Dwarf Barbarian, Pirates

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