Sigil Prep class of 5e

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7/30/2018 12:05 pm  #221

Re: True Adventure

The troll turns to respond to Leo's challenge before Rae inserts her calming influence. "Friend? Looks like lunch to me."

23- Rae
22- Leo, Frances
18- t'Nee, Saccha, Jennifer, Drillv
9- Unit
8- Trivia, Jaskins
7- Kiki
4- oh that poor, stupid troll)


7/30/2018 5:56 pm  #222

Re: True Adventure

"Arr, ye daft bilge rat," Rae says, "ye picaroon, ye could have saved yerself a world o' pain an' hurt but ye be too daft t' think it through." She shakes her head "I truly pity yer stupid arse."

Hold my move action

Last edited by TonyTempest (7/30/2018 6:03 pm)

Rae Quetzali 3rd Level Rogue/ 1st Level Bard. Still a Parrot Pirate

7/30/2018 9:02 pm  #223

Re: True Adventure

"Man I'm tryin' ta think of a troll joke an' it just ain't comin' ta me," says Leo, casting Tasha's Hideous Laughter anyway.

(Wisdom save, DC 14)

     Thread Starter

7/30/2018 9:28 pm  #224

Re: True Adventure

Frances, sticking with the second party, would notice the troll, and that it wasn't friendly. "Well, guess we'll be having cooked troll tonight." He said, his eyes would glow purple from behind the mask as he pulled out his metal net and gave it a good spin and slung it to the troll to try and ensnare it and damage it's mind.

[11 to hit. 9 psychic damage if the net actually hits, doubt it but yeah.] = Frances De'Shalas
[Basic songs played, for audio effect.] Music for freaking out enemy =
Music for just playing =
Music for inspiring allies =

7/30/2018 10:37 pm  #225

Re: True Adventure

The troll screams with pain at Rae's mockery, clutching its head, but apparently, he finds Leo's lack of joke hilarious, as he falls over with laughter. Meanwhile, the net misses the rolling troll.

Drillv takes advantage of the situation to stabbity at the troll, driving a dagger into its shoulder. This does not stop it from laughing.

(t'Nee, Saccha, Jennifer, Unit)


7/30/2018 10:38 pm  #226

Re: True Adventure

Jennifer frowned, Leo might have been a little antagonistic, but that was no reason to lash out at a customer. She readied up a prayer.

"Dear lord Asmodeus, please excuse me, this troll was being mean to us even though we're customers at his place of work. In the absence of his manager to lodge a formal complaint I thought we could chastise him a little. Thank you. Nos Nihil Ante Vos."

As the bolt of crimson fire arced from her fingertips at the troll, Jennifer smiled in self-assurance. This would surely be enough to teach a lesson about good customer service. She frowned for a moment afterwards, wasn't there something about trolls and fire that she had read once? She hoped that they weren't one of the many mortal species that resisted fire, that might have dulled the point she was trying to make.

((Fire bolt, spell attack roll 17, 9 fire damage))


7/30/2018 11:06 pm  #227

Re: True Adventure

t’Nee eyes Jaskin protectively before launching himself at the troll. He pokes his spear out at the already-prone figure before kicking it twice in the shin.

t'Nee, lvl 3 Grung Monk, Way of the Tiny Dancer, SP
Miles, FFH
Seabeard, lvl 2 Dwarf Barbarian, Pirates

7/31/2018 10:31 am  #228

Re: True Adventure

The troll reacts negatively to the fire, which seems to end its humor. t'Nee's follow up rips into the beast's gut, and bruises his face with tiny punches.



7/31/2018 9:19 pm  #229

Re: True Adventure

Saccha seeing the aggressive trolls start to take a dislike to fire, decides that that is the best way to follow suit. She lobs a thick ball of pinkish fire at the troll's face and a smell of brunt sugar sears its nostrills as the pink fireball scorches him. 


7/31/2018 11:17 pm  #230

Re: True Adventure

The troll burns a bit more.



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