Unit charges the wounded troll, resisting the urge to make "vwoom vwoom" noises as he stabs his mindblade at it.
As Unit cleaves a large hunk off the giant, Jaskins fires some magic missiles.
Kiki somehow manages to strike the thing, swinging the large polearm she carries wide and barely avoiding hitting several allies.
The troll regains its footing, and for whatever reason, focuses its ire on the frog. He bites t'nee for 7 piercing damage, and also looks quite woozy for having done so.
After the troll attacks, Rae sprints/flies to a position just behind the troll. After she fires she disengages, then moves away from the hulking creature.
Frances would walk over to Drillv and place a hand onto his shoulder. "My friend, show this man the terror that lurks in the shadows." He said, a white light glowing from his eyes as Drillv would feel magic coursing through his body and if willing, he would start vanishing from plain sight.
[Invisibility on Drillv and Bardic inspiration, give it to the troll!]
"Ya could always give up big fella, just remember I offered ya that," Leo says, before sinking a crossbow bolt into the troll's shoulder.
t'Nee also feels a bit woozy after getting bit by the troll, but attempts to rally, if only to protect Jaskin.
He stabs the Troll in the belly and then stomps on its foot.
The latest round of attacks causes the massive creature to collapse, already toppling before t'Nee's foot stomp.
"Barmey knave," Rae shakes her head as she brushes the barrel of her gun and reloads it. She sketches out the room in her journal as she looks around.
"Someone make sure to smack 'im with another shot a' flame, otherwise he'll be right back up."
Leo keeps his crossbow trained on the troll, just in case.
"He will?" Rae asks. "I be supposin' that makes sense ... Him being green, after all."