Sigil Prep class of 5e

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8/03/2018 8:47 pm  #241

Re: True Adventure

Unit banishes his weapon.  "A troll is far beyond the level of ability of adventurers who would typically come here.  Whomever took over has chosen lethal options to keep out intruders."


8/03/2018 10:07 pm  #242

Re: True Adventure

"Trolls got a country back home.  Well, them an' lots a other scary types. Fire or acid's the only thing keeps 'em down if ya get inta a scrap with 'em."

Last edited by Akodo Rokku (8/03/2018 10:33 pm)

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8/03/2018 11:02 pm  #243

Re: True Adventure

Among the things Rae notices in her look around the room is an obvious pit behind the altar (not hidden, except in its position behind the altar itself), and a secret door on the south wall.
Beyond the pit behind the altar is a curtain that obviously leads to another chamber.

The troll has 25 gold and 22 silver on him, along with a ring that probably isn't fancy enough to be magic.


8/04/2018 6:05 am  #244

Re: True Adventure

Rae walks around the pit, sketching the dimensions in her journal and drawing a picture of the altar. She peeks behind the curtain into the next room.

Rae Quetzali 3rd Level Rogue/ 1st Level Bard. Still a Parrot Pirate

8/04/2018 11:26 pm  #245

Re: True Adventure

The next room appears to have been used as an office, with a desk and cabinets, all in ruins. A deceased person lies across the desk, eviscerated.


8/04/2018 11:32 pm  #246

Re: True Adventure

Convinced the troll is either dead or an incredible actor, Leo puts his crossbow away and starts poking around the office.

Last edited by Akodo Rokku (8/06/2018 2:31 pm)

     Thread Starter

8/05/2018 7:00 am  #247

Re: True Adventure

Rae sketches the office into her journal-map.  As she does so she looks around trying to stay out of Leo's way but still looking for anything shiny. Like a magpie.  Not that magpies are shiny...just that they, too, look for shiny things.

Rae Quetzali 3rd Level Rogue/ 1st Level Bard. Still a Parrot Pirate

8/05/2018 2:21 pm  #248

Re: True Adventure

Frances would step in and say "Hey Drillv, uhm...where are ya first of all?" He asked looking around, the troll died or was declared dead 'after' using invisibility on the guy, and as far as he could see, he couldn't see Drillv anywhere. = Frances De'Shalas
[Basic songs played, for audio effect.] Music for freaking out enemy =
Music for just playing =
Music for inspiring allies =

8/05/2018 11:01 pm  #249

Re: True Adventure

t'Nee checks on Jaskin, making sure the troll didn't scare him too badly. 

t'Nee, lvl 3 Grung Monk, Way of the Tiny Dancer, SP
Miles, FFH
Seabeard, lvl 2 Dwarf Barbarian, Pirates

8/06/2018 2:43 am  #250

Re: True Adventure

The "office" seems to have been repurposed from what was once the main temple of this citadel. The desk sits on a site where something else used to be bolted down. The person dead on the table is clutching a note: "Help wanted. One troll for adventuring experience. Must be able to memorize several lines of dialogue, comfortable sleeping in locked sarcophagus for extended periods." There is a fancy troll-sized dagger (so... a short sword) embedded in his head.

Drillv's joints can be heard, as he appears to be waving to get Frances's attention.

"I'm fine," Jaskins says. "Just a but stunned. I've never seen a troll up close before."


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