Sigil Prep class of 5e

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8/08/2018 3:27 pm  #261

Re: True Adventure

"Host, someone really didn't like this place getting the theme park treatment. So much death..."


8/08/2018 3:41 pm  #262

Re: True Adventure

"aye," Rae agrees. "So much killin' with no reason."

Rae Quetzali 3rd Level Rogue/ 1st Level Bard. Still a Parrot Pirate

8/08/2018 3:46 pm  #263

Re: True Adventure

"Even by Grung standards this is a lot of unnecessary death, I agree," t'Nee croaks, hopping along next to Jaskin. 

Last edited by Sol (8/08/2018 3:46 pm)

t'Nee, lvl 3 Grung Monk, Way of the Tiny Dancer, SP
Miles, FFH
Seabeard, lvl 2 Dwarf Barbarian, Pirates

8/08/2018 8:47 pm  #264

Re: True Adventure

Unit doesn't go anywhere near the fresh cadaver room.  "I'm now willing to bet money this was the druid."


8/08/2018 9:04 pm  #265

Re: True Adventure

The secret door is actually a trapdoor under the pile of bodies.


8/08/2018 9:49 pm  #266

Re: True Adventure

"of course it be," Rae says.  She shrugs.  "It only be leavin' to. Room we already been to. Should we just be goin' back to th' start?"

Rae Quetzali 3rd Level Rogue/ 1st Level Bard. Still a Parrot Pirate

8/08/2018 10:04 pm  #267

Re: True Adventure

"Yeah, lookin' at the map there's more over there.  An' not all of it's crossed off, so maybe we'll find some folks still alive."

Last edited by Akodo Rokku (8/08/2018 10:23 pm)

     Thread Starter

8/08/2018 10:08 pm  #268

Re: True Adventure

"an' needin' t' be rescued," Rae agrees. "And maybe bein' generously grateful to be rescued..."

Rae Quetzali 3rd Level Rogue/ 1st Level Bard. Still a Parrot Pirate

8/09/2018 11:18 pm  #269

Re: True Adventure

"Off we go, then," Jaskin says. "To avenge cousin Link!"

Assuming the group backtracks to the entrance hall, the trip is uneventful, although the little twig people are back, trying to disguise the trapdoor again.


8/10/2018 1:11 pm  #270

Re: True Adventure

I don't think we need to go back that far. Rae follows the map back to room four, then when everyone has gotten there (she doesn't walk that fast so she probably didn't get too far ahead).  She checks the map to make sure the corridor beyond the right side door isn't x'd out. If it isn't she opens the door.  If it is she says, "be we ready?" Then opens the door.

Rae Quetzali 3rd Level Rogue/ 1st Level Bard. Still a Parrot Pirate

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