The corridor, although unnumbered, is crossed out. However, it is also uneventful, with doors to room 13 on one side and room 14 on the other, and leading into room 15.
Rae shows the map to the others. "We can be goin' into the tiny room 14," she points to the left, "one o' th' many 13's," she points right. "Or the larger room, 15," she points ahead. "They all be x'd out, so they all be pillaged by th' black hearts what be killin' the staff an visitors ..and the bloody scallywags may still be lyin' in wait t' ambush us. Where ye wish to be goin'?"
Last edited by TonyTempest (8/10/2018 11:31 pm)
The room has standing water, covered with algae, and a rusted metal keg which looks like it was once on a pedestal, but is now toppled.
"tsk," Rae says. "It be such a waste o' good grog."
Opening the door to 13 reveals boxes piled high. From the few that have toppled and spilled, they seem to be full of 'Sunless Citadel' t-shirts, snow globes, and combination bottle opener/fridge magnets.
Rae picks up a fridge magnet. Then follows Leo through the door to room 15.